Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Great to follow your progress @CATMANCAM You’re bravely facing your cravings as well as fears and by not giving into them, you’re slowly creating and building a new habit. Excellent work, I’m very happy for you :heart::heart::heart:


I got to 2 days and 9 hours without binging now :blush:
My stomach is in pain (IBS) for 3 days. I hope it will go away soon… :disappointed: I think I figured out what it caused, so I must remember not to eat it again.


@CATMANCAM So good to see your recovery steps here :smiling_face:
@Jana1988 Really glad to hear you got yourself a break from bingeing. Sending you healing vibes for your pain :mending_heart:

275 days no sugar
139 UPF
13 gluten
13 dairy
2 compulsive eating


Day 5

No binge eating


Thank you very much, @acromouse :hugs::hugs::heart:
I am back on square 1 though :see_no_evil: But I’m not going to stop trying :crossed_fingers:t3:
I am having 5 years sober anniversary on Monday. If I managed that, I must overcome this too :thinking::pray:t3::four_leaf_clover:


Day 1350 : No binge today. :blush:


@Jana1988 thank you :blush: 🩵 so long as you don’t stop trying, you will get back on track soon. I hope your stomach has settled. :crossed_fingers:t2:

45 days no takeaways.
41 days no sugar.
27 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Yesterday was stressful, I was conned in an online scam because I am so desperate to lose weight, and there was this wristband device with loads of comments of people’s transformations, so I got sucked in, they took £20 more than the ‘total’ I was supposed to pay, and when I emailed them to query, I got an undeliverable msg to say the email does not exist. I dont know what to do, so while I think about it, I have locked my card, the payment is currently still ‘pending’ in my account, and I think I can only dispute it if it ‘settles’.

Not only that, I was supposed to receive a delivery of mould remover for my shower on Thursday, but it didn’t arrive. Then it was supposed to come yesterday between 4-6pm, at 5pm it was ‘8 stops away’ then the next time I checked the driver was in a completely different area and it just kept saying ‘the driver needs to make a few more deliveries on the way’, it finally arrived at 21:20, I had fallen asleep waiting at around 9pm, so it woke me up, then I fell asleep on the toilet until 23:30 :man_facepalming:t2:

Therapy was also really hard and we ended on a really sad note. Binge mode was activated and so I had to do something, so I walked to the shopping centre and bought the healthy lunch I get on Mondays again. Unfortunately I still had the urge to binge all afternoon, and even more so after I took my meds around 7pm, so I had to do something again, and I went to the local shop and bought this sweet potato falafel and grains meal, and some strawberries, they curbed the cravings enough for me to fall asleep.



@Sissychris39 Nice streak you’ve got going on there!
@Jana1988 I’m with @CATMANCAM here: As long as you don’t give up, you are in recovery.
@CATMANCAM You got through the day. That’s what counts :muscle:

276 days no sugar
140 UPF
14 gluten
14 dairy
3 compulsive eating


I feel like you eating healthy meals rather than binging is something to be proud of.

Today was not so good. I know what happened though. Lunch was too small, argument with husband was too big. Binged on cereal which was in the house. At least I didn’t eat overly sweet stuff, or secretly buy stuff.


Day 6
No binge eating


Day 1351 : No binge today. :blush:


@acromouse @Misokatsu thank you both, this is true :raised_hands:t2::blush:

46 days no takeaways.
42 days no sugar.
28 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Yesterday didn’t go as planned. I started doing my check-ins at 8am, and could barely focus, so it took me until 4pm. I had planned to go to the gym and swimming at 1pm, so that didn’t happen, and it’s all because of the very late delivery on Friday night, so I didn’t wake up as early as usual and that always seems to mean I can’t focus right for the rest of the day.

I also bought the same foods as I did on Friday, so I walked to both the local shop, and the shopping centre. I did over 5K steps in total so that’s a good thing. I can’t keep buying all this food though so I have to stop. I am already thinking about having the pizza that I had a week ago again today, I’ve been craving it since yesterday evening when I couldn’t sleep again. I hope I don’t give in, but it’s also not too big of a deal if I do, as long as I don’t have to reset any counters, that’s my prioirty goal.



@Misokatsu Everyone binges from time to time out of frustration and some such. Good thing you noticed the chain of events.
@CATMANCAM Four weeks no binges! Nice streak. :sunglasses:

277 days no sugar
141 UPF
15 gluten
15 dairy
0 compulsive eating

Hormones and meds put me into a state.


Day 7
No binge eating


Day 1352 : No binge today. :blush:


Walking 6/25 Days
Day 78 of low carb breakfast


46 days no takeaways.
42 days no sugar.
29 days no crisps.
0 days no binge-eating.

I should have been checking-in with 29 days, but things were out of control last night when I couldn’t sleep again. I ended up going to the shop to buy ‘just one’ healthy thing to eat, but their reduced to clear section was full of things I had been wanting to try. I bought 6 items, thinking I’d save the rest for today, but no, I proceeded to eat one after the other in the space of 4.5 hours. I’d already had the pizza at 10:30am, and a whole load of fruit throughout the day too. I’m gutted to start over, but it happened and I can’t deny it.

Edited to change the counters because I didn’t eat crisps.



@Sissychris39 Congrats on your first week! :partying_face:
@Kareness Quite the numbers on low carb breakfasts :muscle:
@CATMANCAM Back onto the pony :carousel_horse: Sorry you had a hard night.

278 days no sugar
142 UPF
16 gluten
16 dairy
0 compulsive eating

Hormones are making everything around hunger, satiety and eating difficult.


It is ok :hugs::hugs::hugs: Start NOW again. Nothing is lost. Well done for not eating crisps :clap:t3:
We’re with you, don’t give up! You may feel a bit bad today, but it is fine. It’s just your body dealing with the amount food. But now is your new fresh start. Don’t wait for anything and just do it now :heart:


1.6 days. Trying to really understand my cravings and the voice in my head. I can recognise when it’s Ed talking to me. Now I need to learn not to act on it