Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Day 1 no binging :partying_face:

Yesterday I really put the work in and it’s been paid! I started my day with thinking about binging, what I can do to avoid it, how it feels
etc. I meditated, I wrote my journal and I ate mindfully without distracting myself with phone, TV, or other things. I also wrote down I felt after every food and I invented a ‘Satisfaction’ scale for myself to mark how satisfied I felt about eating each food. It looks like this:

  1. VERY GOOD, I wouldn’t do anything differently
  2. GOOD, but it could be better
  3. BAD, I am not happy with how/what I ate (e.g. if I over ate)
  4. VERY BAD, I wish I didn’t do this (binge, close to binge)

To be fair, I had time to do this properly yesterday because I had plenty of time, I’m not sure how I manage when working, especially in the office, so I may have to do this rather mentally, or make just very short notes and then come back to it in the end of the day and re-view again.

Happy Sunday to everyone :sunny::four_leaf_clover:


67 days no takeaways.
63 days no ice cream.
6 days no sugar.
1 day no crisps, no binge-eating.

Feeling peaceful without the shame that I’ve been waking with recently. My body is thanking me too.



@Jana1988 Great job on that extensive food journal and mindfulness practice :muscle: :raised_hands: . My experience is that it is better to write consistently just a bit then not to write and do it all in your head. At least in the beginning.
@CATMANCAM So good to hear you are feeling better :smile:

298 sugar
162 UPF
36 gluten
36 dairy


Not doing too well food-wise, yesterday and today. Yesterday because I didn’t eat properly or enough at the right times, and then today because of the effect of yesterday! Back to healthy mindful eating tomorrow!


The meditation you recommended me (mindfulness) helps a lot too :pray:t3::heart:


Today I realised one very important thing which I heard many many times but it never really clicked with me. I don’t have to react on my cravings when I know they’re just cravings which will pass :no_good_woman:t3::exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:

I don’t know how could I never saw this before???

Today, for the very first time I experienced cravings and I noticed them and just accepted them without any feeling. Before I’d panic and think about it so much that I’d eventually give in. Today was somehow different, I don’t know why today and at that moment but it almost feels like I don’t have to ever act on my cravings again :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:


Let’s see if this will be my answer to keep Ed away for good :blush:


It sounds like you’re really building your toolbox there Jana, meditation, insights and I loved your journal! Any chance we could see the book cover? It’s really pretty also your hand writing.

Good luck!

I’ve had some weird times w food here. my sister got married and there were some fav trigger snack foods around which I took some home w me and accepted I was going to overindulge and I did and I enjoyed it and no regrets. Then I had to finish a paper for uni and had some very stressy shifts at work back to back, with much too little nutrition or time to food prep, which I don’t like. Today a migraine and also didn’t eat enough cos I was unwell. Next week the craziness is over and I’ll get back to normal eating, planned and plenty.

I’m following everyone’s progress! :heart:


Day 28
No binge eating


Day 1373 : No binge today. :blush:


Hello @Faugxh and thank you :hugs:

Of course, I am happy to share the cover. I got it from my “father-in-law” :blush:

My boyfriend and his mum say it’s almost impossible to read my handwriting because of how tiny it is :smile::smile::smile:

That is actually really good that you allowed yourself to get a bit nuts over the wedding treats and didn’t beat yourself up afterwards. It’s always more difficult when life gets too busy, because it’s harder to stay alerted and mindful and to plan, to prep, which makes lots of difference.

I’m wishing you all the best :four_leaf_clover: with your uni, but also with food and to be able to eat in the way which makes you to feel happy and good :blush::heart:


I reached 2 days and 8 hours without binging now :pray:t3::smiling_face::smiling_face::smiling_face:

My realisation that I don’t have to act on cravings and urges will hopefully be game changing and it may as well be the answer and “magic” I was seeking for the whole time since I am trying to recover

I don’t know how to explain what has happened, because as I said, I heard and read this about cravings many times, but now it’s like first time I fully understand with every fibre of my body. I’m a bit scared to jump the guns and be too happy in advance, because my mind is telling me all the stories from past when I failed and remaining me about the possibility of failure again. But part of me also wants to believe that I am now on track which will never fail again. Otherwise what would be the point of trying right?

I also said to myself the sentence that I will never binge again and made myself to believe it. It was on that podcast I am listening to. That I must believe it, otherwise I’m leaving space for Ed to get to me. I thought properly about prevention and adjustments in my “own” rules which I must make in order to be able to believe it. Like for example I wanted a rule saying “No sweets at all”, but then I knew that I need sugar in my active days and that I want a cake during special occasions. So I amended it to “I can have something sweet in every day, but only once a day and only one piece of it.” This made me enough confident that if there is a special occasion I won’t have to be craving the cake for the whole time and then end up binging. Because if I allow myself a piece and will know it’s going to be only the one piece, I will just enjoy it and will easily stick to the one piece only. It’s doable. No cake at all wouldn’t be doable at the moment.
Based on the podcast I should keep this (and any other rules) for month or two and see if I am happy and only after the month or two to make small adjustments if needed. And by doing this, I should be able to work out a plan/diet which works for me the best.
I am quite excited. I started putting on “NO” list also food which gives me IBS, or acid reflux. So I know what to avoid :blush:


@Jana1988 I’m so happy you are feeling hopeful again :blush:

68 days no takeaways.
64 days no ice cream.
7 days no sugar.
2 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Another peaceful morning with no shame. :raised_hands:t2:

I started listening to the Ultra-Processed People audiobook last night, it’s already very interesting, I think this will benefit my recovery.



@Jana1988 This is such good news. Looks like you really had a big breakthrough!!! Congrats :partying_face:
@CATMANCAM Nice to hear you are at peace.
@Sissychris39 Four weeks! Great job!

299 sugar
163 UPF
37 gluten
37 dairy


Day 1374 : No binge today. :blush:


300 sugar
164 UPF
38 gluten
38 dairy

300 is a nice number. Yesterday I thought how this is close to one year and then I had this very vivid dream of eating tons of cake at some place. I was really horrified :joy:


@acromouse wow, 300 is a nice number, congrats! You are well on your way to a year :tada:

69 days no takeaways.
65 days no ice cream.
8 days no sugar.
3 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

So yesterday I had my ADHD assesment, and I was not expecting to have to talk about my lifetime of trauma! It took up so much time that we didn’t have chance to go through all of the ADHD questions, so now I have to wait for a follow-up appointment in ‘a few weeks’. After digging through my life for an hour, I really felt the need to binge. I didn’t though.

Then I had to go to the hospital with a suspected blood clot, and I waited a while after my appointment time, then was seen by a doctor who felt my leg for literally two seconds and said he doesn’t think its a clot, he thinks it is cramp, but I know what fkin cramp feels like, and it’s not this. I was very annoyed that I’d been sent there if they wasn’t going to do anything, as I had to pay for a taxi there and back. So my frustration made me want to binge as well, but still I did not. Anyway, my leg seems to have settled overnight, or maybe the pain med he prescribd is working, but I’m tired from being awake until late.



Wow, 300 days without sugar!!! :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head: Huge congrats from me, because in my opinion (based on me own) that’s pretty incredible :clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3: :tophat:
Really amazing! What an inspiration :hugs::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::fireworks::sparkler:


I was 30 days free of binge eating and relapsed. I feel like such a failure right now :disappointed:


Day 1375 : No binge today. :blush:

I turned 27 today. :blush::birthday:

Congratulations on 300 days, @acromouse! Keep it up! :tada:


Disordered eating recovery is a journey, not a destination, imo. Having fewer and smaller binges is moving in the right direction. 30 days was great! Just get back on it!