Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

@Aleyadaisey God bless you!!! Happy and Blessed Birthday!!! 26!!!

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(joining in the chorus)
Happy Birthday!! :partying_face::partying_face:


Thanks everyone! :smiling_face:


Day 1009 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 345 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:


Happy Birthday @Aleyadaisey! May the new year bring health and happiness!


Happy birthday! All the best :four_leaf_clover: :blush::hugs:


Day 1010 : No binge today. Thanks once again for the birthday wishes y’all. :smiling_face:
Day 346 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:


You’re doing so great!!! 1010 days no binge? How does it feel? And how did you achieve it? Did you put some special ‘rules’?
I’m curious.
I can go days without binging and then I slip and back I’m in long cycle until I find the strength to start over again… But at least I’m not purging afterwards anymore :pray:t2:
My problem is evening or when I’m bored. Evenings are always the same pattern. My brain is so used to it that the craving is almost impossible to fight.


It feels amazing! Far less headaches, reflux episodes, more energy. As for how I achieved it, therapy and oa meetings have been helpful, as well as art. You can see some of the drawings I made on the art thread, forgot what it was called, lol. Anyway, I don’t follow specific rules as to what I eat, other than I try to get 60-80g protein in my diet. I still eat carbs and stuff of course. Of course, my diet is specific to my needs, you may need more or less protein than I do, but as a general rule, 50-60g is the RDA for women. But yeah, eating protein and eating enough during the day has been helpful as well. Now that it’s starting to cool down a bit, I think I will start dance exercise in the mornings soon too. :slight_smile:


Day 1011 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 347 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:


Thank you very much for reply. Makes a lots of sense. I had therapy because of bulimia and it helped me a lot! I was doing well. But sometimes I fall off the track.
Happy to read what helps you and that you’re doing so well :hugs:
I’ll 100% find and check the art thread :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Day 1012 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 348 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:


Day 1013 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 349 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:


Today, when I was writing my diary, I realised a thing which I decided I must share here, because it is important to me and maybe here is someone else who need to read this…
I was thinking about my feelings. I’m suppressing some of them. It happens automatically and unless I sit calmly and concentrate on certain situations thinking about how I felt in them, I may never discover what I felt back then.
Anyway, through doing this exercise, I just somehow realised that on social media I look at many different people with these in my opinion ‘perfect’ bodies which I wish I had and then all I do every day is that I try to reach this physical ‘perfection’. But if I would take all these people and put them beside each other I’d see that they’re all different. They’re different shapes and sizes. And I am asking myself, so which one I want? And is it really the body what I like about the person? Or is it the whole? The personality, the pose, the energy, the self-confidence I feel from the picture?
And all of sudden I realised that I’m chasing impossible…! It’s not me on these pictures! How could I ever achieve to be someone else??
What if I concentrate on different values in my life rather than on the final product? What if I live to standards which will determine ME and WHO I AM instead? What if these standards are not going to be about a physical appearance, but about life style? And what do I want in my life?
Is it a ‘perfect’ body or is it a healthy body? Is it achieving something meaningful, or achieving the ‘perfect’ shape?
What if I think about my values? About who I am and who I want to be? About what I don’t like about my personality and hence where I can improve? What if I for once start working on my soul?
What if I start making healthy food choices not because I want to look like someone else, but because I want the right nutritions to fuel my body for the day? What if I follow my feelings of what’s right for me based on who I want to be (as opposed to how I want to look like)?

There’s so much to think about. The point is, that I don’t want to think about consequences of food on my body anymore. I want to think about who I want to be in terms of personality. I want to re-think my life, because I was doing it all for a wrong reason - for a certain body shape only. For a body shape which wasn’t even my own. Because I was judging myself based on it. No matter what everything I achieve, I won’t be successful until I’m in this certain body shape. How cruel and shallow thinking…
From today on I’m discovering that life is richer than that. Richer than bones and skin. Maybe I can become a better person? Maybe I can finally give myself a freedom and get out of that small square of thinking about my body shape.

This realisation is very valuable to me. It’s like a Big Bang in my head. Where did I live for all this time? I’m going to go for walk now. Not because it burns calories, but because it brings me happiness to get fresh air into my lungs. And I won’t feel unsettled and upset that I am not doing my daily amount of steps when someone stops me to talk. I will feel happy than someone is interested in talking to me and sharing something from their life. I won’t go for run anymore to burn calories, but because I want to enjoy that my body is healthy and able to move.
I want to start live my life for good and valuable reasons. I want to determine myself by different things than by my body shape from now on.

Have a great weekend!


Well said! I need that reminder as well, sometimes I forget what is really important.


This is amazing. Thank you for sharing!! It resonated with me on a lot of levels. Now that I am older, I have to let go of chasing an ideal that is no longer attainable. I have actual health issues from my disordered eating. I’m at risk of developing diabetes. I have to make changes for me, not other people. And become the best version of me. That’s what is important.


Day 1014 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 350 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:


I have no words for ur post. Honestly its sooo well written and soo beautiful to read. I can absolutely relate to ur post 100%. I dont know just yet how to express what im trying to say about ur post but it was really impactful for me. Thank you :blush:


Thank you very much. Your response, and so from @crystalclear & @Mischa84 makes it totally worth to post my thoughts :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:


Day 1015 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 351 : No coffee today. :smiling_face: