Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

@CATMANCAM Oh man, sorry to hear that friend. Migraines suck, nausea too. All of it.
@Mischa84 Good job!

350 sugar
214 UPF
88 gluten
88 dairy
24 mindful eating

The ‘putting-down-cuttlery’ experiment is very interesting but not difficult.


Day 1425 : No binge today. :blush:

Thank you, @CATMANCAM. I am doing a lot better. :blush:


120 days no takeaways.
116 days no ice cream.
1 day no sugar.
1 day no crisps, no binge-eating.
0 days no compulsive eating.

I was almost able to check-in with all 3 bottom counters at 1 day, but I’ve just let myself down. I didn’t go to the shop at all yesterday but I had bought strawberries the night before so I did have some. Today I have been to the shop.

I really hate this. Tomorrow I will try again.



351 sugar
215 UPF
89 gluten
89 dairy
25 mindful eating


I feel that the no compulsive eating is a really tough counter. If I was counting, I’d reset that regularly. A lot of my eating situations on non training days are murky, especially when I’m stressed or out of home. I comfort eat, anxiety eat, whatever. Not vast amounts or unhealthy or terrible food cos I food prep and whatnot, and then I don’t eat three four times what I normally would, I just eat basically what I would eat anyway but earlier, sometimes some more, but yeah, it’s a grey zone. And I’m fine w that. Food is not just one thing, almost nothing in the human world is just one dimensional.
I’m not saying this or that would be a solution for you or anyone here. But I want to share that for me personally getting into the greys and being comfortable there and giving up on the compulsion to having to divide everything into acceptable vs bad, that’s really where change happened for me. Flexibility. This coming from a control freak who loathes fast food restaurant food and lots of stuff, so take it w a grain of salt but, yeah, relative flexibility to how I was before.

You’re doing your best every day and you’re on your big journey. That matters so much more than perfection on the counters! Tho I do really see it’s important to also maintain sobriety from binges and that in order to face one’s emotional realities, same as alk. But it’s the obsessing alone that has numbing and emotion-denying function already, not just the concrete acting out. Same as alk. That’s why we say a dry drunk has no recovery and will likely relapse, cos he still obsesses over alk and that takes up the mental space for any emotional work.

Idk just my 2cts.

Much success to everyone here as always! :kissing_cat:


After 5 good days I failed tremendously. Now I have headache, shame, regrets, I’m bloated and feel like total arse. And ofcourse it came to my mind to continue this madness (till when? Till vomits probably) and start over tomorrow.
Luckily I came to my mind, restart a clock and start right now at 4pm. What a shit show.


Good to see you sharing. Really great you stopped it. I usually would have taken the ‚start over tomorrow‘-route. :+1:

What happened? Any triggers?


I let myself get very hungry, I think here was my biggest mistake.
Then I started eating all kind of stuff.


Oh yeah. Sounds like quite the trigger. It has gotten better with time for me, but I do take care to not let that happen.
Sorry you are feeling like shit right now. Hope that passes soon and you‘ll be able to sleep well tonight.


Ah this sucks. I know how this feels. Tomorrow is a new day! :purple_heart:


Yeah, it’s insane. I’m really glad I stopped and decided to eat some real, nutritional food at the end of day. I had an apple and around 7pm broccoli with rice, onion and lentils. I hope all that fibers gonna make me shit big time tomorrow (tmi, sorry :sweat_smile:) and get rid of all that crap from my body, at least symbolically :wink:
As you say, tomorrow is a new day and definitely I have to improve my meals planning game and eat before getting hungry to the point I want chocolate and I want it now.

Edit: I also forced myself to exercise a bit to feel less shitty. It worked.


Getting super hungry is the Enemy. Workout for me regulates how much I eat in the day. You sound positive and determined, that’s super!


Day 1426 : No binge today. :blush:


@Mischa84 Hope you are feeling better today :smiling_face:

352 sugar
216 UPF
90 gluten
90 dairy
26 mindful eating


@Faugxh thank you for your support and helping me to see things differently 🩵
@acromouse congrats on 90 days no gluten or dairy :tada:

121 days no takeaways.
117 days no ice cream.
2 days no sugar, no crisps, no binge-eating.

Whilst I’m stuck between two polarities; living off shakes and porridge, or buying food for the day each morning, I think it’s unfair to label the latter as “compulsive eating”. Of course I’m going to be compelled to buy meals as opposed to effectively starving myself. That is my brain working as it’s supposed to. I do wish there was a middle ground though, a much less expensive one, but maybe that will come in time, as I progress through therapy. I’m not overeating or bingeing when I buy the food each day, and I’m obviously not restricting either. My disordered mind just makes me feel guilty and ashamed over it.



Ah friend, that does sound like a great step in your recovery.
Human beings need real food.
Planning meals, making a shopping list, buying groceries, cooking and enjoying your food are a good thing.
Keep at it :hugs:


Recently I am tracking my food on an app again. It helps me not binge because I don’t want to go over my limit. Somehow the numbers make it more real. However, I do feel more happy the further away from the target I am. (I mean too low). I ate a snack with the kids which took me within 10 calories of my daily recommended calories and I feel bad. Which is dumb, but I can’t help it. Anyway, another good thing about the app is it shows protein and I realised I am always quite low for that. And fat is also often a little over. So those are things to work on rather than focus on calories.


Day 1427 : No binge today. :blush:

Almost a month of mindful eating for @acromouse! Yay! :clap::blush:


@Misokatsu First step to any change is seeing what is happening, acknowledging it, accepting that this is, what it is. So if this app makes your thoughts about food and calories, etc. visible than this is a good thing. Even if those thoughts and feelings are uncomfortable.

353 sugar
217 UPF
91 gluten
91 dairy
27 mindful eating

With mindful eating I realized that I put a lot of effort into meal prep, so if I am not mindful while I eat, I just miss all the good stuff like taste, smell, texture, and sight. If I hurry through my meals I don’t appreciate my own work.
Another thing is that I don’t plan enough time for reading in my day. I love reading and if I feel like I lack the time for that, I will try to squeeze that everywhere like for example at meals.


Day 1428 : No binge today. :blush: