Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Day 5 :smiley: donā€™t binging. Healthy food


@Jana1988 @acromouse I subscribe to the podcast! Thanks for the info :slightly_smiling_face::pray:t4::pray:t4::pray:t4:


Day 1264 : No binge today. :blush:

I have heard of the brain over binge book, I didnā€™t know they had a podcast version. I support any route yā€™all take through your recovery journey, as long as it is a healthy route. :muscle::blush:


190 sugar
54 UPF
61 gluten
40 dairy
2 overeating

Hormones mess with my hunger and satiety signalling. Iā€˜m doing my best.


@acromouse congrats on 60+ days no gluten :tada: and 40 days no dairy :tada: sorry the hormones are causing havoc again :people_hugging:

10 days no sugar, no crisps, no takeaways.
0 days no binge-eating.

Checking-in with yesterdayā€™s numbersā€¦

I binged again yesterday morning, by having breakfast x3. I also had an extra sandwich late last night. I hate how Iā€™m feeling at the moment. I donā€™t know how Iā€™m eating so much and still feeling insatiably hungry, itā€™s just like alcohol, cocaine, and vaping; the more I have, the more I want, and Iā€™m axious by having food in my fridge. Iā€™ve gained 8lbs too and feel bigger than ever. I wish I knew what was going on with me under the surface, driving me to binge. Iā€™m so disconnected from my emotions and feelings, Iā€™m just extremely anxious and depressed all the time, thatā€™s as far as my awareness goes.



Iā€™m sure there is a lot going on under the surface and that youā€™re coping w by the binges.

On the physical level tho, I think youā€™re also inexperienced regarding what foods are filling and will keep you full, cos you couldnā€™t have them for so long. So that in the long run you could even begin to do what say acromouse is doing and begin to connect w your hunger and other feelings again.

Sandwiches and toast for me are ā€œtriggerā€ foods as well or they would be if I ate them. Same as crisps for me, I just want more, Iā€™ll never get full by eating soft bread and mayo or cream cheese (tho itā€™s nice, ofc!)

Hard foods (I call them, chewy, bulky), wholegrain and lots and lots of protein keep me full. If I have room in my belly or doing a lower food day, vegetable soups or steamed veggies.

Itā€™s not only the psyche, itā€™s also the nutrition itself that is making things hard for you atm I think. Hoping you find something to break the circle very soon! :people_hugging:


Day 6. No binging. Few sugar


Day 1265 : No binge today. :blush:


191 sugar
55 UPF
62 gluten
41 dairy
3 overeating


11 days no sugar, no crisps, no takeaways.
0 days no binge-eating.

Checking-in with yesterdayā€™s numbersā€¦

Mind is in f**k-it mode, and wants to get rid of the remaining groceries as quickly as possible so we can end this experiment. I have learned that I still cannot control myself around real food, and that having food in my fridge makes me pre-occupied and anxious.

I still have a very healthy fear of what my blood glucose levels would be after one of my usual binges, with unhealthy food and sugar etc, so I am hoping that this will prevent me from going to any shops or bingeing like I was before.

I just really hope thereā€™s not too long to wait until I start having sessions with the psychiatrist again.



Day 1266 : No binge today. :blush:


192 sugar
56 UPF
63 gluten
42 dairy
4 overeating


12 days no sugar, no crisps, no takeaways.
0 days no binge-eating.

Thereā€™s nothing left to binge now. Last night wasnā€™t too bad but I still class it as a binge. Things should improve now.



Itā€™s a real struggle this eating disorder. I feel all of you guys, Iā€™m struggling too.
Today I was thinking about how I used to do intermediate fasting not a long time ago. My last food had to be before 8pm. It was the only thing which worked for me until I slipped and never got back. Not sure why? Maybe because itā€™s more comfortable to just give in to my cravings, despite knowing that itā€™s just short term pleasure and that Iā€™ll feel defeated and not good on the long run (physically and mentally).

Itā€™s every day that I wake up with this awful feeling after the previous night binge and itā€™s every day when I feel like this when I make all the promises how today will be different. I always look sceptically on them, because of the experience built up for so long, knowing I never keep them. But thereā€™s also this small hope that maybe today is the dayā€¦

Sometimes I look at the date and say to myself: ā€œThis could be a good day to start!ā€ Like today. 1st of June sounds cool, doesnā€™t it? Iā€™d remember the day which has changed my life and eating habits for good.

Who knows how today will go. So far so good. But itā€™s the evening what I struggle with the most. I will try. Every day I will try. I will not give up :muscle:t3::pray:t2:


13 days no sugar, no crisps, no takeaways.
1 day no binge-eating.

It feels like way longer ago that I last had junk food. Had some cravings today but they can FRO. The shops have just closed so Iā€™m safe.

I went for a walk for the first time in a while today.



Day 1267 : No binge today. Oh, and for those of you that celebrate it, Happy pride month! :blush::rainbow_flag::people_hugging:


Good morning everyone.

So 1st of June 2024 will not mark for me a day when I stopped binging. And I was so close! :see_no_evil:
However. Now weā€™re in a new day. And who knows - maybe 2nd June is The day! :thinking: I like even numbers better anyway :smile:

6 hours no binging


@CATMANCAM I really am impressed by your days without junk food. Do you think eating real food had something to do with that?
@Jana1988 Donā€˜t give up hope friend. Has there been anything in the past besides IF that has helped you with your ED?

193 sugar
57 UPF
64 gluten
43 dairy
5 overeating

The Brain over Binge podcast and especially the book have put me in a really new mindset about overeating/bingeing. Letā€˜s see how this goes.


Day 1268 : No binge today. :blush:


194 sugar
58 UPF
65 gluten
44 dairy
6 overeating