Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Day 1. Very good job regards sweet


@acromouse thanks. How do you manage without sweet? Do you use any kind of substitute

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Day 1260 : No binge today. :blush:


@acromouse thank you :blush: šŸ©µ

6 days no sugar, no crisps, no takeaways.
1 days no binge-eating.

I havenā€™t binged the groceries! :exploding_head:

It is so nice eating real food and not to feel like Iā€™m starving all the time.

It feels good not to have put unhealthy food in my body for almost a week.

I hope I can remain ā€œin controlā€ so that I donā€™t feel that I have to stop buying groceries again.



@Bomdhil No sweets, no substitutes. They will just make my cravings worse. The first weeks are very hard, especially if the world around you is full of sweets. But after a while I stop craving them.
@CATMANCAM You are on such a great path friend! Real food!!! And remember: Even if you have a setback this does not mean that you can not have real food. Itā€˜s a process. It takes time.

186 sugar
50 UPF
57 gluten
36 dairy
0 overeating/binge

Hormones have been taking a dive the last few days. Iā€˜ve always been prone to PMS - mood swings, mental difficulties, indigestion, pain, tiredness, you name it. Now in perimenopause itā€˜s a total shit show.
Yesterday was really bad. Wave after wave of awful states - anxiety, dread, depression, anger. I am really glad I managed not to go for any of my trigger foods or this would have ended in an endless binge. So I ā€šonlyā€˜ overate and ā€šonlyā€˜ on real food. Felt very bloated, my stomach still feels the discomfort. I donā€˜t feel guilty, I just hope next time I can resist this wave. And I know this phase will pass and I will feel better in a few days.
I upped my hormone dosage and already talked with my doc about antidepressants or some kind of mood stabilisers.
Today at least the weather is better, so I hope for a bit of a better day, but my hormones are not done yet. Mindfulness and kindness are still the way to go.


@acromouse thanks for your answer. Day 2 of not binging. I am planning to reduce as much as possible the ingest of sweets


Day 1261 : No binge today. :blush:


187 sugar
51 UPF
58 gluten
37 dairy
1 overeating/binge

Yesterday was much easier hormone wise and it was far easier to register hunger and satiety signals under potential cravings.


Day 3 of not binging with food


@acromouse thank you, that is a good reminder :blush: Iā€™m glad your hormones have been easier on you :people_hugging:šŸ©µ

7 days no sugar, no crisps, no takeaways.
2 days no binge-eating.

Yesterday I stuck to my meals and snacks, all the way til 8:30pm, but then I had some toast after my snack in the evening. I know itā€™s early days and I am adjusting, but it did make me feel guilty because it was something extra.

I also found it very difficult to keep waiting for the next time to eat, like I was totally pre-occupied by eating, what and when. I donā€™t like this but Iā€™m thinking itā€™s because itā€™s all so new to me at the moment.

I am struggling a bit today because I ate breakfast at 5am, so itā€™s been a long wait, lunch isnā€™t until 12:30pm, by the time Iā€™ve caught up here though, it should be time.



8 days no sugar, no crisps, no takeaways.
3 days no binge-eating.

Today went okay. I have decided to allow for toast if Iā€™m hungry later in the evening, but that I have to wait an hour after my allocated snack so I know if itā€™s genuine hunger or just because Iā€™m in the kitchen eating my snack. That worked okay this evening, and now I donā€™t have the guilt.



I find that I am pretty much always thinking about when I can next eat, unless I am actively teaching. Even sitting doing admin my mind drifts off to food. If it is just my mind wandering I usually try to have tea or coffee or a mint to taste something and keep my mouth occupied.


Day 1262 : No binge today. :blush:


@CATMANCAM This all sounds very encouraging.
@Misokatsu Wandering minds can go on the strangest trips. I find it sometimes exhausting though if mine keeps walking the same few meters in an endless loop :roll_eyes:

188 sugar
52 UPF
59 gluten
38 dairy
0 overeating

Yesterday at lunch I found it difficult to separate hunger from cravings and was getting mixed signals. In the end I overate. Iā€˜m still in training. There is neither guilt nor shame though. I know from experience now this is a skill to be honed.
Back to the training grounds for today.


Day 4. Tempted with donuts


9 days no sugar, no crisps, no takeaways.
0 days no binge-eating.

Tonight after dinner, I ate my snack an hour early, then I didnā€™t wait another hour to have toast, then after a while I had more toast, a red pepper, an extra banana, and 3 bags of apple slices with the remaining almond butter. Iā€™m glad it was mostly healthy stuff, but a binge is a binge, there was no self-control, and I wonā€™t be buying groceries again once Iā€™ve used up what Iā€™ve got left. Thatā€™s how I feel now anyway, I still have a weeks worth of meals left so will reasses nearer the end of this experiment.



Day 1263 : No binge today. :blush:


@CATMANCAM Donā€˜t give up. Keep experimenting.

189 sugar
53 UPF
60 gluten
39 dairy
1 overeating

I started listening to the ā€šBrain over Bingeā€˜ podcast somebody here recommended recently and reading the book a few days ago. Itā€˜s an approach somewhat in the vein of ā€šA naked mindā€˜ but with the focus on binge eating. I really like the perspective and find it helpful with separating hunger cues and urges to overeat. And especially my outlook on those urges, where they come from, what to do about them, etc.


I recommended the podcast and Iā€™m glad you started listening to it if it helps :pray:t2:


Many thanks. I wasnā€™t sure about the original post. The podcast episodes are rather on the short and practical side and the book gives far more explanations and a narrative. I am better with reading stuff then listening, but I can listen to the short pod episodes while doing housework so itā€™s like an additional source to reinforce the ideas.