Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

A week without binging!!! :partying_face:
Again, Intermediate Fasting just works for me. I am not eating after 8pm and before 8am and that stops my evening ā€œbefore sleepā€ binges in front of telly :relieved:
During the eating period I donā€™t restric myself in what I eat.
I still donā€™t feel well (I have never ending, exhausting cough - only my ABS are happy), that disables me to do anything physical and so Iā€™m almost not hungry at all. Maybe itā€™s also due to all the sweet cough syrups and Lemsip with honey :roll_eyes::rofl: But when I eat my body requires mostly some normal food rather than sugar sugar sugar like before. I do still have some sweets though, but less and surprisingly to me, I am able to share :astonished::astonished::astonished: Yesterday, we had a dessert after our main and I asked my bf if we could just share one, rather than have a portion each and then I had only couple of bites and left almost the entire thing to my boy. I just felt immediately how it starts bloating me and that put me off eating it. Before, I wouldnā€™t pay any attention to how I feel until after the food and then Iā€™d be in discomfort. So thatā€™s a biggie for me and I have no idea where that came from. Maybe from the first Mindfulness lesson from the sessions recommended by @acromouse :relieved::hugs:
Today, I am looking forward to do lesson 2 and keep checking in with myself, my feelings and presence in this beautiful day :hugs:


@Jana1988 Congrats on one whole week free of bingeing! Well done :partying_face::muscle: I hope your health improves soon. Glad to hear IF is working for you.
@Mischa84 Iā€˜m rooting for you and your challenge. Itā€˜s not easy to find a way that works, no matter if it is moderation or abstinence. No matter how this goes you will learn important things about yourself and your relation to sugar. Always a win.
@CATMANCAM Ditch the guilt, consider yourself an experiment and celebrate your three days of not bingeing. You will find a way that works for you friend.

201 sugar
65 UPF
72 gluten
51 dairy
13 overeating

I still find it impossible to register my satiety and hunger signals due to hormones. I hope to get a new dosage of HRT soon.


Welcome back to the thread friend :wave:
We are here for you. Weā€˜ll listen to your stories, your shares, your wins and your troubles. Just come here and share.
As for exercise I can only echo what Jana already said. The best way is to make it become an automatic thing:

  • Find a time of day that works for you. You might have to experiment a bit.
  • Make it a part of your daily routine at the same time of day.
  • Try out different kinds of activities until you find one that you can live with. I love all kinds of physical activities but most of them I would not do on a daily basis. I hate gyms and group classes for example.
  • Even if you do not feel like it, do at least start. Put on your shoes and walk around your house instead of going out.

And finally congrats on your first walk!


@Jana1988 congrats on your week :tada:

21 days no crisps, no takeaways.
4 days no binge-eating.
0 days no sugar.

Checking-in with yesterdayā€™s numbersā€¦

I havenā€™t slept at all. I finished the ice cream at 5:30am so I have reset my sugar counter hopefully for the last time.



Why didnā€™t you sleep? Struggling to fall asleep?


Iā€™ve struggled with Insomnia since I was a child, I do have a good routine most of the time now but this weekend Friday and Sunday my mind was just wide awake. Hopefully tonight the tiredness will have caught up with me! :crossed_fingers:t2:

22 days no crisps, no takeaways.
5 days no binge-eating.
0 days no sugar.

Todayā€™s numbers.



I see. O wow. I canā€™t imagine having insomniaā€¦
Today I canā€™t sleep because of my illness and Iā€™m suffering. Just laying on my pillow in fever and being bored and frustrated :woman_facepalming:t4: Thatā€™s why I now sat up and checked hereā€¦
Generally Iā€™m not good at sleeping (mainly falling asleep). I need absolute silence and I donā€™t get it here. So I started using sounds up to create my own ā€œwhite noiseā€ which blocks most of sounds away and helps me to fall asleep better. But first I had to get used to it though :relieved:

I hope youā€™re having good sleep today :sleeping:

Iā€™m going to have Lemsip and see if it helps me to get some rest.


8 days no binge!
Itā€™s not difficult now because I went to doctors today and got antibiotics which (one of) side effect is a weird taste in mouth and that makes me want nothing to eat, so almost any food I have now is more and less forcedā€¦ Everything tastes different - not very nice.

I pray to get well soon, I am so tired. At least my cough got already better after two pills. My hopes are to see only progress from now onā€¦ I still keep having fever, not sure whether itā€™s normal :woman_shrugging:t4:

Itā€™s funny. My bf and his mum were also ill (in fact my bf gave it to us) but both of them had just a normal short illness, a but of running nose, bit of sort throat and within few days - done. And here Iā€™m, the healthiest lifestyle from them and yet my body canā€™t cope that wellā€¦ Itā€™s a bit dissapointing. I thought Iā€™d be the hero :woman_supervillain: getting over it like nothing :smile::smile::smile:


Day 1276 : No binge today. :blush:


Day 2 of walking
Day 2 of low-carb breakfast


@Jana1988 You canā€˜t control your immune system. I hope the antibiotics will do their job and youā€˜ll get well soon.
@Kareness Good job on starting a streak.

202 sugar
66 UPF
73 gluten
52 dairy
14 overeating

I still find it impossible to register my satiety and hunger signals properly due to hormones.


Have you ever tried ā€œEvening Primroseā€ ore another herb supplement to help you with your hormones Aga? Just a thought :face_with_peeking_eye:
I work in a health care drugstore :hugs:


@Jana1988 Iā€™m sorry you canā€™t sleep with your illness, that is very frustrating because you know you need rest to help your body to recover. When you are a healthy person, illness does tend to hit you harder, because itā€™s such a shock to your system. I havenā€™t heard of sounds up, but I need silence too. However, in the summer, I have to have a fan on, and I do get used to it, then I have to get used to it again when itā€™s cool enough to have it off. :sweat_smile: I really hope you feel better soon. :people_hugging:šŸ©µ
@acromouse Iā€™m sorry your hormones are messing with your signals still, :people_hugging: but congrats on 2 weeks no overeating :tada:

23 days no crisps, no takeaways.
6 days no binge-eating.
1 day no sugar.

I slept a bit better last night, still not great but grateful for a few hours. I had strong cravings for a particular takeaway last night, so I decided to let myself fall asleep intead of trying to stay awake to check-in on the main thread. It made me aware that itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve craved crisps or takeaways, so Iā€™m grateful for that too.



Day 1277 : No binge today. :blush:


@SoberWalker Thanks for the idea. I am on HRT and a lot of the herb supplements interact with it. So Iā€˜m staying away from them and trying to adjust the dosage.
@CATMANCAM Good thing you slept a bit better.

203 sugar
67 UPF
74 gluten
53 dairy
15 overeating

I still find it very difficult to register my satiety and hunger signals properly due to hormones. I feel like I am eating a lot, but also feel very hungry. Yesterday I felt like the hunger is lessening. Letā€˜s see what today will bring.


Hello all :raising_hand_woman:t4:

I am now 9 days without binging.

Thanks to my illness (which doesnā€™t seem to end) Iā€™m developing new eating habits: Only three meals a day - breakfast, lunch, dinner. Iā€™m almost not hungry now so it works perfectly, Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™ll be able to maintain it after I feel better and mainly when I get back to my active life. Very unlikely.

I was thinking about my exercises too. This illness might be for something good in the end. I was deliberately sacrificing my sleep so I could do what I needed to do. My friends know me like the nutter doing HIIT at 5am on Strava (sports social app) :rofl: Maybe it would be fine to do this time to time but I wake up extremely early every day (except Saturday) and do something (even if itā€™s at least a walk). So Iā€™m going to bed at about 10pm, sometimes I struggle to fall asleep (especially if full of anxiety that I must wake up early and go to the office on my bike) and then I get up between 4.30-5am. The problem is (again) where I live. I do it so early to be able to have a shower straight after my activity and not have to wait in sweat until the bathroom is free because it gets taken by my mum in low at about 6.20am when she gets up for her work. I also try to avoid her as much as I can because sheā€™s negative all the time and Iā€™m not interested in complains first thing in the morning :face_exhaling:
Now I am reconsidering my routines because I simply feel like I need little bit more sleep in my life for my body to rest and heal. I do lots of stuff and I put my body through some physical stress every day. I still want to do my activities but will probably have to find a better balance and start including some rest days too. It will be mentally hard because I feel like Iā€™m a bit over taken by this active life and almost depended on it, otherwise I fear weight gain. And here we go - I finally admited it!! (I was hidding this trueth inside of me very well).

I am now going to write about this ā€˜newā€™ fear discovery to my diary, because writing always helps me to unleash more hidden stuff, including solutions :blush:


I am glad you are seeing yourself clearly. Unfortunately, issues with food, body image, etc, can be very sneaky. We feel like we have conquered one thing, but sometimes our new ā€œhealthyā€ alternatives can lead us to another facet of disordered eating.
I have been doing some strength training, so started checking out YouTube and influencers about it, and got curious if I am eating enough protein. So I started logging food onto an app. I learned that sure enough, I donā€™t eat enough protein, but I started getting really focused on calories again, feeling pumped when I was more and more under the daily target. Iā€™m sure if I started restricting too much again, of course, the binging would start again.


23 days no takeaways.
0 days no crisps, no sugar, no binge-eating.

I fkin jinxed myself didnā€™t I! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Feeling the shame, self-loathing, and regret today.

My blood glucose only went up by 2, 1hr after the binge. But this morning, 10.5hrs later, it was 20.9! even now, a further 4hrs later itā€™s only came down to 15. (Should be 4-8). I donā€™t feel great at all but just riding it out.

So now I know. :man_facepalming:t2:



Sending hugs. It really is tough.


So sorry you slipped. It is tricky. Today is a new day :four_leaf_clover: