Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

18 days no binge. Wohoooo :partying_face:

I just realised that Iā€™ve got diagnoses of this horrible never-ending illness - acute bronchitis.
Iā€™m 100% better than where I was 2 weeks ago, but still not fit to exercise.

Iā€™m shocked writing it down but Iā€™m grateful for this illness. For years I was extremely committed to any kind of exercise in every day, rarely Iā€™d have a day off and do literally nothing. Sport kept me busy and even when I was injured, there was always something I could do, so I never really had time to reflect on my lifestyle.

I had this hidden fear that if I stop moving, Iā€™ll get fat. I donā€™t own a scale and so I donā€™t know if my weight changed, but even after 2 weeks of very relaxed life I donā€™t feel fatter or uncomfortable in my body. I still feel good, maybe even better because Iā€™m finally getting enough sleep when Iā€™m not getting up of the bed at insane hour in the morning to do my cardio.

I can see clearly now that my sleep deficit - result of sacrifice to exercise - influenced my immunity and why I got ill more than other people around me. My body had to stop me, because I otherwise never would.

I love exercise, but I certainly didnā€™t love the amount of it I was doing. Some days I pushed myself just to have it done and tick the box. Even though it might be admirable the devotion, persistency and discipline I have, it was driven by ED and fear - not a good reasons. I proved myself that I have one hell of willpower to keep going, and I decided to spread my energy a little bit to other areas of my life and balance all the hard work with more nourishment and relax in my day to day life.

Itā€™s liberating to find such inner peace and not feel under pressure anymore. Itā€™s so good to know that I have to do nothing and that I can do anything. That this is my life and it will be like I make it. Itā€™s all up to me, thereā€™s no need of fearā€¦ :heart::heart::heart:


Yuhh i heard about it too but i still try and thanks for welcoming me! Iā€™m Out and i started HRT a year ago but i already Had Problems with my eating Habits years before and yea i Gotta be more Patient since HRT May Change my fat redistribution (for good) ik my Body will stay feminine No Matter how much iā€™d lose but losing would also make my Body appears less round and soft + If i work Out i can build Up a more masculine shape
Iā€™m Not the best when IT comes to explanation i know this isnā€™t the right way iā€™m trying to imrpove, and all the best for you too! <3


Day 4. I struggles to eat bc no purge today, but also No binge so iā€™m feeling good :))


Day 1287 : No binge today. :blush:

Iā€™m so glad you finally have an answer as to why you felt so ill, @Jana1988, and that youā€™re starting to feel better. :people_hugging:

Almost to the double digits for UPF and gluten, @acromouse! Keep it up! :muscle::blush:

@Lucfurfur I know having an eating disorder and being trans is especially tough, are you able to find a therapist that is LGBTQIA+ affirming? Also eating just once a day is something I used to do too, it always backfired into a binge / b/p. Itā€™s a painful cycle thatā€™s hard to break once you start. Weā€™re here for you, and admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery. You can do this. :people_hugging:


@Jana1988 Iā€™m really sorry you are still bothered by your bronchitis. Had it earlier this year myself and it really took a long time to recover from. Sending you all the healing vibes :mending_heart:
And I really dig your insights about your realtionship with eating and exercise :star_struck: I am so curious where this journes will take you next. But as you wrote: Towards freedom :dove:
@Lucfurfur Nice streak you are building here with binge free days.

212 sugar
76 UPF
83 gluten
62 dairy
24 overeating

Today marks my 7 months of no sugar. Freedom is wonderful :smile:


@Faugxh, thatā€™s a better way to word it, ā€˜the joy of identifyingā€™ :blush: just wondering where I might find the show notes? Iā€™m listening via Audible and cant find any on there, Iā€™ve checked on Spotify too and canā€™t find any there either :thinking:
@Lucfurfur welcome to this thread :blush: Iā€™m trans too, and Iā€™m also very obese, so I can relate to the ā€˜round and softā€™ feeling. Since youā€™ve started HRT so young, there is a good chance you will have the changes that will help you feel less dysphoric. :transgender_flag:

33 days no takeaways.
8 days no crisps.
7 days no binge-eating.
2 days no sugar.

No urges, no cravings. I have abused laxatives a couple of times after meals this week, because I canā€™t stand the full feeling, or maybe itā€™s the guilt/shame I feel after eating a real food meal. It could also be because I have gained another 8lbs this week so far, making me the heaviest Iā€™ve been since the 14th of January. I was supposed to be 6st lighter by now. :pleading_face: Regardless, I know the most important part is not binge-eating, so I will stay focused on that.



Iā€™m glad to hear this. It is great you are discovering about yourself. Recovery from ED is a lifelong thing, I think, but it seems you are making progress.


@CATMANCAM The ā€˜supposed to beā€™ thinking will get you nowhere. I really do understand the shame and regret, but the past is the past. You are where you are now, and you need to focus on today. As you say, not binging and maybe whatever movement you can manage is the focus for now.

Eating is going well for me at the moment. I am not binging or restricting, eating moderating focusing on getting enough protein and veg, and not tripping out over the Costco haul.


They started out w the German podcast RƤtsel des UnbewuƟten. Especially the early episodes they redid in the English version podcast in the same order I think. You can look up the shownotes/further reading for the German episodes and especially the classical psychoanalytic material youā€™ll find in English in your library or wherever, translated. The German one also has a patreon, idk if the English pod also does.

Edit I use the podcast player podcast addict and I just checked, it shows the shownotes for the English pod. Itā€™s free.


Thank you @acromouse I like the bird you used as an expression of freedom :blush::heart:
Congratulations on your 7 months dodging sugar, thatā€™s so impressive :clap:t2: Does it feel easy now??

@Misokatsu Thank you, I hope I am making progress. I am also thinking that I maybe didnā€™t eat enough when I exercised, because I struggled a lot not to binge. Besides now itā€™s much easier. Not easy, I get cravings, but itā€™s nothing like what I experienced before :thinking: Definitely a thing to keep an eye on when I go back to exercise.
Glad to hear that youā€™re doing well too. I remember that you also struggled for a while, especially when eating your kidā€™s leftovers or snacks. I am so pleased for you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@Aleyadaisey & @Faugxh I am always impressed by your knowledge of ā€˜specialā€™ stuff and terms, like I didnā€™t even think about that being a trans can influence the recovery. But once you put wrote it down it makes sense :thinking:

@CATMANCAM What a nice number of not takeaways is hanging out there for you :grin: 7 days no binge is also impressive, congratulations on your 1 week :partying_face: Keep it up :four_leaf_clover:


Right now when I am around any kind of ā€šsweet stuffā€˜ there is still a slight experience of uneasiness and discomfort there. So I prefer not to have the stuff around me. Though I am not sure how much the packaging plays into it. Cause when people put it into a bowl I donā€˜t feel as triggered as when I see the bright packaging. And I know that the packaging is designed to have this triggering effect on people. So that is that.
But apart from this discomfort my brain just shovels this experience into ā€šfalse alarm - nothing to concern yourself withā€˜ territory. Like when you hear some sound or see something out of the corner of your eye that attracts your attention and at the same time your mind has already decided that this is of no concern for you. If youā€˜d put brussels sprouts on the table it would have the same effect for me. Itā€˜s edible, but I canā€˜t stand it.
So yeah. At this point it is easy.

TW sweets, cakes and stuff:
I am planning a small birthday get together with my family for tomorrow. So today I want with my daughter to buy cake for the occasion. The real deal in a German cake crafts confectionery. The stuff is basically artisanal at this point. I have it in the fridge. Nine different varieties. It has at no point crossed my mind to even consider eating any of it. It just does not register as food for me.


That is great. Iā€™m thinking to try and quit sweet snacks, like ice-creams and different chocolate bars, biscuits, etc. Just for a month to see how I feel and to make it achievable for myself.
I was thinking start tomorrow, just because it is 20th so it should be easy date to remember.
Itā€™s my bā€™day 12.7. so Iā€™d have to get through my bā€™day wthout sweets as well. It sounds like a challenge but by that point Iā€™d be already few days in and so it should be easier for me to say noā€¦

Iā€™m not sure if I can do this, but may give it a go. Because thereā€™s no point in waiting for ā€œbetter timeā€, as thereā€™s never ā€œbetter timeā€ and always somethingā€¦ Itā€™s like with break up :smile::smile::smile:


Day 1288 : No binge today. :blush:

Good luck on your lower/no sugar journey, @Jana1988! You got this! :blush::muscle:


@Misokatsu you are right. Yes, movement, I am motivated to start with it again. :blush:
@Faugxh ah yes, further reading has a link here and there. Iā€™ve discovered a lot of interesting stuff now, I read for 3hrs yesterday, thank you :grinning:
@Jana1988 thank you :blush:
@acromouse that must feel amazing to have gotten to this stage :raised_hands:t2: enjoy your birthday celebration! :balloon: :gift: :partying_face:

34 days no takeaways.
9 days no crisps.
8 days no binge-eating.
3 days no sugar.

I did it, I walked to the fitness centre and had the conversation with a member of the membership team! We couldnā€™t access the seperate room unfortunately, but I learned that Iā€™d still have to use the same showers, and Iā€™d still have to walk back into the main changing area to put my stuff in a locker, so it wouldnā€™t make much difference than changing in one of the small corner cubicles anyway. Being in the changing room bought all of the awful feelings back. It has been 3 years. The man suggested that he give me 2 complimentary passes to use, at my leisure, to see how I get on, before committing to a contract. I agreed this was a good idea. The pool was quiet and looked so calming and inviting, I really wished Iā€™d taken my swimming stuff, but nevermind.

As awful as the feelings and flashbacks were, I do feel ready to fight for my health, so I am hoping to use one of the passes to go to the gym and swimming either today (Sunday), or one day next week.



Yes! Iā€™m visiting a mental Hospital next month to imrpove my eating Habits, iā€™m really looking Forward to It and my therapists are lgbtqia+ friendly luckily ^^ thanks for helping tho have a good day! <3


Tysm!! Iā€™m Glad you understand me and i Get you tho itā€™s painful, it will Get better for Sure and i Wish you all the best stay focused and motivated as Well <3


@Jana1988 If you feel up to it, try the ā€˜no sugarā€™ challenge. Iā€™d just consider how much of an restriction this might be. Is this just another way to try to control food intake? Could it jeopardize your progress in not bingeing? Iā€™m not suggesting it should be so, just to ask yourself if this will be helpful to your progress in this new kind of self care.
@CATMANCAM Congrats on tackling this difficult situation at the gym. Swimming sounds nice. Is it something you enjoy?
And really love, give yourself some love. You really deserve it. You are such a great and caring person. Give some of this care to yourself :hugs:

214 sugar
78 UPF
85 gluten
64 dairy
26 overeating


@CATMANCAM Wow! This is such a huge progress!!! That is so so so nice and great to read!!! Well done for overcoming your fear and going to gym :clap:t2: Iā€™m impressed :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Really happy for you :blush:
Itā€™s also very encouraging to hear that the gym is considering and understanding your insecurities and needs and even though theyā€™re not equipped in the way you need, they still try to do something for you. Itā€™s so kind of them. Iā€™m glad youā€™re going to give it a go and try. I really wish it works for you :heart:
Thinking of you and wishing you good luck my friend :four_leaf_clover:


Good shout out @acromouse I know what you mean and itā€™s a great question.
Thinking about it, no, I donā€™t think itā€™s ED wanting me to lower my calory intake. Itā€™s more about that if I binge on something itā€™s always this sugary stuff and once I have it, it ALWAYS makes me to want more. So I think the avoidance of it could make it easier for me. But thatā€™s only if manage not to eat it :smile:
I canā€™t do full not eating it ever again because I need these snacks on my long cycling trips. I have booked 200km race in August and I would be exhausted and not able to complete if I donā€™t have sugar every so often during it.
But Iā€™d like to eat sweets only very rarely.

My expectations are to do month without it for beginning, I know that Iā€™ll feel so much better without it (because I always did) and hopefully that would motivate me to do more. I also like how e.g. fruit gets suddenly sweeter when I donā€™t eat sugar :blush:


Hey everyone. I just needed to get this out of my head and ontoā€¦ Paper?

Iā€™m nearly at 100 days AF. Super proud, grateful and surprised that Iā€™m this far. Iā€™m realising Iā€™m doing the same thing at night as I lay in bed, that I did when I was drinking. The same thing that I did when I was smoking. This time itā€™s about binge eating.

That thing is, telling myself that tomorrow is the day I do better, that Iā€™ll change. Only this time I am saying I will stop eating so much crap. That Iā€™ll eat better, not have takeaways and not have the biscuits and chocolates after dinner.

Iā€™m glad Iā€™m doing this, because itā€™s the first step for me towards quitting like it was for cigarettes and alcohol. Iā€™m actually pretty scared about this one though. I saw someone say that food addiction is so hard because itā€™s something you still have to do every day - eat.
Iā€™m also terrified that prior to quitting alcohol and cigarettes, I spent years telling myself that tomorrow is the day Iā€™ll quit. I donā€™t think I can do a year or more of the way Iā€™m eating. Probably not even a few months. Im not a huge guy, but Iā€™m the heaviest Iā€™ve ever been.
I am definitely replacing alcohol with food and sugar and I am getting really scared as I can feel like I am getting worse the more I try to be better.