Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

@Lucfurfur Welcome to the thread. :hugs:. Be kind to yourself friend. It all starts in kindness :people_hugging:
@Jana1988 Congrats on so much progress and your insights :tada::heart: And thanks for sharing your story with us.

210 sugar
74 UPF
81 gluten
60 dairy
22 overeating


Hi, @Lucfurfur! Welcome to the thread! Please donā€™t feel guilty (I know, easier said than done.) food is fuel, your body needs it. :people_hugging:


Tysm!! Iā€™m Glad to be Here ^^


Thanks a Lot, i Get what you mean tho ^^


Whooaa thanks a Lot for Sharing your Story with me, we do have some in Common tho i Gotta say my Family is really supportive even If they Dont understand it completely they try to Help and honestly iā€™m ashamed of it because i canā€™t Help myself and now the people i Love have to suffer with me :// this is really important for me to hear so i appreceate your words a Lot thanks for all your Help!! If i can do Something for you let me know tho! <33


Day 1285 : No binge today. :blush:


211 sugar
75 UPF
82 gluten
61 dairy
23 overeating


@Faugxh thank you so much for sharing the podcast, Iā€™ve been listening from the beginning and for want of a better word, Iā€™m enjoying it. šŸ©µ
@Jana1988 thank you :blush: very happy for you
and your progress, congrats :tada:

32 days no takeaways.
7 days no crisps.
6 days no binge-eating.
1 day no sugar.

After 51 days of resisting, I caved in to the ice cream van yesterday afternoon, so sugar had to be reset. I donā€™t mind, I canā€™t claim that Iā€™m not having any sugar at all, as yesterday I realised there is some sugar even in my shakes, there wasnā€™t with the old company that closed down, so I was shocked when I checked the new packets. But Iā€™ll keep my counter to stay focued on not having any obviously sugary foods like sweets, chocolate, ice cream, bakery goods, and fizzy drinks with sugar in, etc.

Iā€™m just happy to have some distance since my last binge.



Ah omg that makes me really really happy! I love that podcast. Beware of one thing tho: the episodes that were most relevant for me were very hard to listen to, even tho also I had the joy of identifying. I forgot most of what was relevant for me, a normal mechanism of repression.
Also they give further reading in their show notes.
V glad youā€™re enjoying it! :heart:


Day 2. Iā€™m okay now, didnā€™t eat today bc i couldnā€™t Get over the guilty of eating a Lot Yesterday I didnā€™t b/p but yea i dunno

Day 3. I didnā€™t binge but i Had the strong urge to binge, i ended Up purging but still iā€™m Glad i didnā€™t binge


Hi Luc
If you ate a lot the day before, treat the new day normally. Like if the previous day didnā€™t happen.
Not eating will only slow your metabolism down, your body gets confused and itā€™s very bad for maintaining weight and health.
Plus you will get stronger urges to eat (like on your day 3) because your body will want the nutritions and fuel you refused to give the day before.

Not eating normally after we binged is the biggest mistake you can do. I used to do it too.


Thanks for the advice!! I know youā€™re right, i know how i could improveme but i Just canā€™t manage to actually do Something, i feel Like tomorrow will be the Same but i Dont know how to actually Stop myself and eat normaly, If i think about 2-3 meals a day yikss


Day 1286 : No binge today. :blush:


Day 1 of walking
Day 12 of low carb breakfast.


So how much do you eat in the day?
Why donā€™t you try to make a plan what to eat in one day. Plan your breakfast, lunch and dinner. Plan nutritionally balanced and rich foods which will help you to stay full and make the portions in advance and the decission that you will eat that and only that.
Sit down with your food and enjoy its taste and texture, donā€™t rush it.

If you only repeat the same patterns and habbits day by day, nothing will change. You must do something differently and think differently to see change :blush:

Mainly, have breakfast. Lots of people with ED are skipping this meal and itā€™s also mistake. Any calory deficit and food restrictions only leads to eating like crazy and without control later.
Just remembered that you shall try to recognise which decissions are made by you and which by ED.

Also, what are you scared of? Is it gaining weight? Do you think people will like you less or that you will be less successful if you gain weight? Or is it something esle? There must be some sort of fear of something why you keep binging and purging.

Good luck today :four_leaf_clover:


I Gotta stay motivated and Stick to those Plans! I usually Dont eat Till 18:00pm(?) thatā€™s when i have Family Dinner, itā€™s uncomfortable and i wait mostly Till my parents Go to sleep bc Then i Get the ugre to binge and purge but iā€™m tired of it, i want to enjoy food with my Family and yea iā€™m mostly scared of gaining bc whenever i gain Weight It goes to my thighs and hips im trans, those bodyparts make me feel uncomfortable bc they will Look even more feminine but b/p only Made me gain Weight and hate myself, iā€™m Not going to b/p today iā€™m gonna make better Plans than this, i Hope you have a good day tho i really appreceate you (ā ā€¢ā Ó©ā ā€¢ā )ā ā™”


212 sugar
76 UPF
83 gluten
62 dairy
24 overeating


Oh wow. Till 6pm no food? No wonder you binge at nightā€¦ Besides that the urges to binge are your bodyā€™s natural reaction after all day starving, you probably also made it a habit.

Why donā€™t you make an experiment and see how it goes?

Write down on a piece of paper what everything you ate when you binged. Then take this food and spread it over a day to different times - make it breakfast, lunch and dinner. Would that not be better? Not only that you still would have the same calory intake, but itā€™s easier for your body to digest it during the date.
I know you purge and so you think that the calories went awayā€¦ I am afraid it doesnā€™t work like this. I donā€™t know why, but you will likely gain weight even when purging. Maybe because youā€™re damaging the digesting system or something.

Believe me, youā€™d be much better off eating regularly - physically and mentally.

Iā€™m so so sorry you are going through this. I know how it feels :pensive: Itā€™s really hard to break the pattern but not impossible. Did you ever consider a theraphy? Could you find a theraphist and get help? Theyā€™re professionals and would help you better than me.

I wish I could make you see what I know now. But I remember how my fear and false beliefs about food made me act in the same way like you do now and nothing and nobody could stop me, because in my had I had to do it that way. As I mentioned before, only the theraphy and my devotion to the process helped me. If I didnā€™t have help, I would still be binging and purging.
I was doing this for approx. 10 yearsā€¦ So I do feel you and know how difficult it is to get out of itā€¦

Thinking of you :heart::four_leaf_clover:


If you can, watch a documentary called Fteddie Flintoff: Living with bulimia . Itā€™s brilliant. I think itā€™s on BBC and Sky.


Idk but I once read that even tho it might feel different, you only bring up maximally half of your stomach contents. Really changed the headgame for me in thinking that it was somehow acceptable to do this every once in a while, really helped me drop this behaviour and work on good eating habits. Itā€™s been a few years for me now since I vomitted.

@Lucfurfur welcome to the thread and I hope you can find a way to integrate your gender identity into your life - are you out? I donā€™t know much about it but methinks that without hormone therapy, fat distribution on your body is going to be what it is for a woman, so this is a practical problem that really isnā€™t going away. Itā€™s got a more practical solution tho than for most ppl w ED. Just from what i read from your posts.

Wish you the best! :pray:t2: