Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

@acromouse that is what I was doing before if I was only going swimming, but I found swim shorts too restrictive when I tried to wear them for the gym beforehand. I could never change without a cubicle so that’s my only option. One day, soon, I will slay these anxious demons in my mind and go for it, and you all will be the first to know :smile: I am sorry you are struggling with all these symptoms and your signals are all mixed up, wishing you less digestive discomfort as you try your new rule :crossed_fingers:t2:

38 days no takeaways.
13 days no crisps.
12 days no binge-eating.
2 days no sugar.

Really struggling this evening, craving crisps so bad. I have had a bad afternoon and I’m feeling angry, sad, and depressed. I’ve done all my meditations and they helped somewhat, but I’m still craving hard. I thought I’d check in here with today’s numbers to cement them into the ether, instead of crunching on calorific junk and sending them crashing down, again.



Hey @Faugxh
When it comes to sugar, I eat anything :sweat_smile: Cake, pastry, chocolate… :woman_facepalming:t4: When on bike, I usually take gummy bears with me and have some sports gel with me too. If we stop, I’ll have some sweet drink.

I like rice and eat mostly that as my side. So there I am fine.

Overally I eat lots of fruit and have Kefir yoghurt sometimes.

I’m not good with keeping an eye on nutritions and if I have the right amount and balance, because I don’t enjoy doing it for me it feels like overwhelming thing. I’d need someone to do that for me :rofl: I know you can get nutritionist and pay to have personalised plan though, but never thought to spend my money this way.


You don’t need a nutritionist. Just find less yummy sources of quickly available carbs. That’s what I do. Candy and sweets only as treats, not a built in part of my nutrition. Good luck!


I also find I do best when I eat fairly sweet things sometimes so I don’t feel deprived, but not the superpalatable ones that I just cannot control. My kids mini Snickers, etc, I don’t touch. I have plain sweet cookies like shortbread for myself that of course it takes some willpower, but I can control.


Day 1292 : No binge today. :blush:


Day 1 of walking
Day 18 of low carb breakfast.

I’ll be starting a walking streak again since my two in-office days with long commute are over for the week. I’ll get up to 5 days, then see if I can power through those office days next week. I’m a mom, so also have to make sure the kids have food to eat. Mon-Tues are not fun!


@Kareness Just as a thought: Maybe something like marking the days you took your walk and then aiming for having more days with a walk in a month then those without might be a better approach then a counter. I am a fairly active person but I do not take a walk every day. It’s more about an overall trend and being active most days of the week/month. Some days just don’t work out and that is ok too. But maybe this will not work for you and then you just ignore this :wink:
@CATMANCAM Go on, be the knight you always wanted to be and fucking slay the dragon :dragon_face: :wink: At least that’s what I always dreamt to become some day :rofl:

218 sugar
82 UPF
89 gluten
68 dairy
/ overeating

I feel like my portions for breakfast and dinner worked well, felt like lunch has been too much. I’m going to tweak this.
On the other hand I sometimes feel stuffed and uncomfortable after eating only a few bites and I know this is hormonal shit upsetting my digestion and has nothing to do with the food or my eating.
So I am considering making a portion plan I can rely on and then marking my days without feeling overfed in a calender instead of the counter. I’m not sure how to handle this :thinking:


I believe that sweets of all kinds, sugars, meat, fats, dairy products, and fatty foods, And also junk food and soft drinks in short, are all foods that cause high hits of dopamine. It should be avoided as much as possible or consumed in small quantities Instead, there are fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and drinking enough water. These are things call safe food. Is there anyone who agrees with me on any of this?


Day 1293 : No binge today. :blush:


25 days no binge :heart:
Happy Friday everyone :four_leaf_clover::sunny:


39 days no takeaways.
14 days no crisps.
13 days no binge-eating.
3 days no sugar.

Checking-in with yesterday’s numbers…

Pleased to report that I did another meditation, then watched 2 episodes of the show I’m watching on Wednesday night, and the urges passed. I had strong cravings again after another stressful afternoon yesterday, for both crisps, and a takeaway, but I distracted myself again and got through it.



@CATMANCAM @Jana1988 :muscle: :sunglasses:
@Mon1 All high caloric foods will trigger a dopamine release. The higher palatable your system deems a food, the higher the domapine release. It’s a biological system designed to make you search for food that will increase your chances of survival in an environment where good food is scarce. There is nothing bad or unsafe about highly caloric food or dopamine release in itself. These are basic biological systems.
Whether any of the foods you mentioned are problematic in triggering bingeing or other compulsive behaviours is a different and highly subjective matter.

219 sugar
83 UPF
90 gluten
67 dairy
1 overeating

Portion sizes yesterday worked out quite well. I’ll stick to these and see how it goes. 90 days no gluten is nice. Really do not care for being ‘glutened’ ever again. Makes me feel really shitty. In the end all my counters are about things I don’t want cause they make me feel shitty in the end.


@acromouse In the end, is there agreement on foods that are more harmful than beneficial?


Highly palatable foods which make you want to eat more of them/overeat your daily needed calories yet provide no micronutrients and dont contribute to a healthy balance of macronutrients.

But you have to phrase it harmful for whom and under what circumstances. If I eat a burger today it won’t harm me. If I eat sixteen the next week probably also no harm done. But there will be a point where it’ll limit my ability to live my life my way and that’s a probability for almost everyone. Also, no nutritional knowledge, discipline, years of MH treatment or a still highly active ED would make it a completely different story for me. It’s about the way you deal w yourself. Not about the substances or actions we use in order to avoid dealing w ourselves.
I think you’re looking for far too broad answers. Try and think about how things stand w you and for you instead of overgeneralising.


Here is an article I posted when I first became a member. What I said in my comment then I stand by now. I have not read the article since I posted.
Addictions and "the reward circuitry in our brain"

I have a problem particularly with sweets and with cheese. If I have a little, I want it all. I choose not to keep it in my house.
We all have different foods and situations that are triggering. That make us want to binge.
Reading here you can see how we all have different and also many of the same ways to circumvent it some.


Was craving cake on the way home, avoided several stores, but then bought one (portion) at the last place before I came home. I was tempted to eat more sweet stuff that is in the house, but waited until dinner, then really ate my fill of a homemade pork and vegetable curry with rice. I didn’t need that bit of cake, but am so glad it didn’t trigger a binge.


There are two books I usually recommend on the topic.

  • If you’d like to read on the topic of processed foods and how it is not about you but about the food you eat: “Ultra-Processed People” by Chris van Tulleken
  • If you want to learn more about how our eating signals work and why we overeat I’d suggest “The Hungry Brain” by Stephan Guyenet.

That’s a good idea @acromouse . Starting in July I will count my days as X/31, with X being the total number of days walked out of the 31 days in the month of July. Thanks for the idea!


Day 1294 : No binge today. :blush:


220 sugar
84 UPF
91 gluten
68 dairy
2 overeating

Portion sizes yesterday worked out quite well in terms of not feeling overfed. On the other hand I was hungry inbetween my meals. This is not bad in itself, I just ate a snack, but I am going to tinker a bit with different portion sizes. I’d rather have three meals a day just out of convenience, but if snacks inbetween will work better for me, I’ll settle for snacks.