Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 3)

378 sugar
242 UPF
116 gluten
116 dairy
52 mindful eating

Mindful eating is a bit fluctuating right now. All those panic attacks, anxiety and my current health situation making it difficult at times. But I try to be as nice to myself as possible.


Day 4:

No binge eating


Youā€™re doing extraordinary well, @acromouse and keep inspiring me :heart: I really wish for you to feel more yourself soon and better without any issues :pray:t3:


Day 1453 : No binge today. :blush:


379 sugar
243 UPF
117 gluten
117 dairy
53 mindful eating


Day 5

No binge eating


Day 1454 : No binge today. :blush:

I hope you feel better soon @acromouse. Panic attacks are no fun. Sending supportive hugs your way.:people_hugging:


@Jana1988 thank you šŸ©µ Iā€™m glad you found some true friends here :blush:
@acromouse feel better soon šŸ©µ

145 days no ice cream.
30 days no sugar.
5 days no crisps, no binge-eating.
0 days no takeaways.

So I managed not to have one on Monday, but I think that was only because I had leftovers that I decided to eat instead of waste. Iā€™ve had one every night since then too. Continuing to use despite negative consequences is where I am at once again with the takeaways.

I had to be very assertive yesterday, because the diabetes nurse hadnā€™t even requested bloods ahead of our phonecall next Tuesday. Thankfully I do get on quite well with the nurse that does my testosterone shots, and she did agree to do the bloods once I explained how the past few months have been and that I have a scheduled appointment for my diabetes on Tuesday.

I wasnā€™t going to check-in until Iā€™d got back on track, but I think itā€™s helpful regardless of how Iā€™m doing.



@CATMANCAM The idea of not checking in until ā€¦ (fill in the blanks) is IMO a part of addiction. It is this thought that you can present yourself to the world only if ā€¦ This is a very toxic thought. It took me quite a while to understand that. As long as you have parts of you, you feel like you need to hide from everyone, your addiction has a hold on you. At least that is my experience. Good job on checking in despite those thoughts and your troubles :muscle:

380 sugar
244 UPF
118 gluten
118 dairy
54 mindful eating

The timer tells me no UltraProcessedFood since 8 months. I remember trying gluten free bread at that time. It didnā€˜t suit me. Iā€˜m glad that stuff is no longer part of my eating.
Iā€˜m feeling slightly better today than the last days. Thank you all for caring :mending_heart:


Day 1455 : No binge today. :blush:


@acromouse very true, maybe this is how I should also view my not going for walks because I donā€™t want to be seen at the size I am. Thanks for your support. šŸ©µ

146 days no ice cream.
6 days no crisps, no binge-eating.
0 days no takeaways, no sugar.

I decided last night was going to be my last takeaway, because Iā€™ve now had all of my addictā€™s ā€œfavouriteā€ ones. Last night I even had a small dessert, there definitely would have been a bit of sugar in it, so Iā€™ve reset that counter too.

I am determined to check-in with 1 day tomorrow morning. The interesting thing about last night was; the portions are small, and I was hungry, but I struggled to eat much of it, so I had to eat the rest later on. I am hoping this is because Thursday night was my first night completely off my first medication, and if so, this will make things much easier going forwards. :crossed_fingers:t2:



381 sugar
245 UPF
119 gluten
119 dairy
55 mindful eating


Day 7:
No shopping
No binge eating
No Grubhub


Day 1456 : No binge today. :blush:


@Sissychris39 Congrats on a whole week Sheena!

382 sugar
246 UPF
120 gluten
120 dairy
56 mindful eating


@Sissychris39 congrats on your week :tada:

147 days no ice cream.
7 days no crisps, no binge-eating.
1 day no sugar.
0 days no takeaways.

I let myself down yesterday evening :pensive:

I was so sure I wasnā€™t going to continue to harm myself with junk food. I really hate it when I canā€™t trust myself.

I accept that this is a very difficult time of year for me, for a multitude of reasons. It was this time in 2021 when I relapsed on cocaine aftrer 459 days.

Iā€™ve got zero self-respect at the moment and I am basically living like an animal. I take care of my cats, but severely neglect myself. I donā€™t know why but I just seem to get worse not better.

Everything just feels so overwhelming, thereā€™s so many things I used to do as part of my daily routine, I just donā€™t feel like Iā€™ve got the energy to do any of it. I donā€™t know how to go about trying to build things back in, and more.



Thank you so much!


Ty and congrats to you too!


Day 8:

No binge eating


Day 1457 : No binge today. :blush: