Bit of a prickly situation

Don’t be discouraged… personally, AA was not for me. Everyone is different. I traded alcohol for cigarettes and that was hard to give up - everyone seemed slightly depressed, not sad, but like you said… just not smiling. This was pre-Covid so I can’t imagine a virtual meeting (awkward, lol). I’m 43. This is my 5th time taking recovery seriously, not hiding behind the facade that I can drink like a normal person. I’m new so I cannot be a sponsor, nor do I want to. AA works for many people, just not for me. I enjoy reading Annie Grace books on recovery. They’ve helped me in the past and I’m looking forward to 1 year alcohol free in 2022. Good luck to you. This support group seems amazing!


Oh boy I did feel a bit impish but now I understand it better (that it’s from the AA book,Living Sober) and “after the fact” felt that possibly it was a little insensitive to make a joke about a pickle. I truly hope I did not offend anybody. I had no idea.

The expression “being in a pickle” is one that I will never look at in the same way again. :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil: It’s even more ironic that it was the title of my post 🤦‍♀

I thought it was only the humble eggplant that was a naughy vegetable. Oops here I go again …

Don’t worry I’m frequently called a nut (in a loving way) and my brain is definitely a little pickled . I could think of way worse nouns than these. As long as our families keep loving us, no matter what. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Enjoying our banter too. :grinning:

Interesting fact for the day:

The best cucumbers for pickling are 4 to 5 inches long, so medium sized, not big or small, not too thin skinned (young) they won’t stand up to the pickling process, and too old, they’ll have tough fibrous skin. The best ones are firm and sweet, with a good crunch when you bite into it.

Thank you Google, I might just try my hand at home made gherkins yet!


But first… I have 2 audio books I’m downloading this weekend… Quit like a woman and The sober girl society handbook. Oh and Annie Grace. It’s going to be a busy time :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Have a lovely weekend@Andy68, I’m only about 9 hours behind you, but I’m catching up fast :rofl:


You should come to Amsterdam, famous for it’s pickles, and not just gherkins… This company does pickling workshops too.


This is a great question and I thank you for sharing it. First let me say, that AA doesn’t work for everyone, it just doesn’t. And that’s ok. Find what works best for you and if that keeps you happy and sober, then by all means use that program. (Saying that more to the replies, than you specifically)

For me, I thought of AA as kind of a chain reaction. 1) It was the program I wanted to try to use to get sober 2) Getting sober using that program required me to go through the 12 steps. 3) Going through the 12 steps required a sponsor (again, this is more to the replies than your initial question)

Anything other than that, and I wasn’t really committing to the program of AA. Now as for changing sponsors, most people I know who have had success in the program have had more than 1 sponsor. If you don’t feel comfortable with your sponsor, then I don’t see how one would be comfortable in being thorough in your 4th and 5th step. It’s a relationship built on probably as much trust as one might have with their spouse or best friend, so if you aren’t comfortable, regardless of the reason, then I would suggest changing.
If the sponsor is worth their salt, and you are kind, it shouldn’t be a big deal. It’s principles over personalities.


Yum, yum, all jam packed full of probiotics :yum:


Oh yum! They are making my mouth water!! I love pickled ANYTHING! (Just maybe not ginger! Yuk) :cucumber:


Mmmmm, love me some lemon or mango atchar drool

Or beetroot and onions.

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I have attended meetings over the years and erroneously thought a sponsor was a “must”. I felt as though without one I would fail. So…I didnt get one and failed anyway. Crazy how that works.


I’m over 2 years sober and have been attending an AA zoom meeting every day, but don’t have a sponsor. There’s only one person there that I can say “I want what she’s got”. I asked her to be my sponsor, but she’s too busy.
I have finally stopped feeling guilty that I don’t have a sponsor. I figure that it will happen when it’s the right time.
In the meantime I’ll keep attending daily meetings and listen to all the strength, experience and hope shared.


I know off topic about sponsors, but I have to share that I grew up in a small town in mid-Michigan that grew cucumbers for Vlasic pickles. The county paved some of the roads so the trucks could make it to the freeway and the pickle plant. We lived on that road, so that was a perk. Fresh corn from the roadside stands was also delightful!
Back to sponsors and meetings, IMHO if a meeting isn’t somewhat uplifting I don’t go back. Well, I might attend one more time and then look for another. I do realize that days and times are not always convenient. So there’s that and you may not have very many to choose from depending where you live. :thinking:


Hey CK! Justin (Scrammbles) is going to work on our ‘pickle song’! :cucumber:


Haha, I think @HoofHearted said he is up for the challenge too :cucumber::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::notes::musical_note::man_dancing:


Boom! The Pickle Song


OMW… I love it so much!!!

Just listened twice…

Love the words in the beginning “walking down the street cool as a cucumber etc” :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: and the hearty laugh at the end…

@Andy68 Holy mackerel this guy actually did it!!!


@HoofHearted, love ya work! Great beat!
Any chance you could post the words? I caught most of them, but there’s a couple l just can’t make out.
Did you really just compose this song at @Cherry_Kisses and my request? If so, that’s awesome! :cucumber: Thank you


Haha I did! It’s what I do :sunglasses:

Lyrics are:

Walking down the street
Cool as a cucumber
Watching my bank account
Turn into a big number
Shoutin’ out glory to all the new comers
Lost control in a vat of vinegar
Yeah, it really do be like that!


It’s absolutely normal to not connect with every person we meet, even in recovery. I actually had gone thru about 4 diff women sponsors (some bcuz we just didn’t click and others bcuz it was time for me to move on and reach out to another woman who had what I wanted). We all change and grow in recovery :slight_smile: my 1ST sponsor was young like me and had 2 years in I think. She was great! But then a time came where I needed someone who knew the big book inside and out! Someone who has been practicing the principals in all her affairs for a long time. She was in her 40s and had been clean for like 10 years! I had another woman who was in her 60s and she also had something something offer me. Go with what works for u. Recovery is supposed to be enjoyable to an extent. Why would I want misery in recovery? :wink:


Glad you like it! I wanted to do more vocals on it but I have a horrible sore throat right now so kept it at a minimum. :grin:


No it was all @HoofHearted amazing work!!

And those lyrics just classic and welcoming all the newcomers :heart_decoration::heart_decoration::heart_decoration:

Bless him!

@Andy68 and I really appreciate this so much.

Recovery can be lonely, depression, challenging, all sorts of not so great emotions, so being able to laugh and just feel “normal” is the best so Thank you xx