Blanka's and Sticky's check-in

Well done for smashing it Sticky, I love to see you being so strong :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:and its catching :upside_down_face:


Thats what friends are for xxx

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Congratulations for that great work. The triumph is not only 18 days but just the day of today. Day by day, we deserve sobriety happiness today.

Welcome to freedom! Kind regards.

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Congratulations! great number! you can do this!

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Thank you so much… yes it feels very much like freedom

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Food shopping today, choosing steaks for dinner and annoying thinking ‘beef is definitely calling for red wine’… and I had to pass by alcohol section knowing that I can’t have it anymore… I felt stupidly sorry for myself.
Then I thought about how I used to enjoy one glass of red with my dinner years ago but then it has changed … opening the bottle well before I started cooking, drinking it so fast that the cooking barely ever started, and if it did start then later I barely remembered neither cooking nor eating it…


19 days today! And the way I cooked my steak was a masterpiece… :grinning:


No wine needed :upside_down_face:

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I dont like Christmas madness neither :grinning: I try to avoid it which is easy as most of my family lives in different country, I will travel to see them only on New Year’s Eve. So you made it 3 weeks now Sticky!!! I know what you mean about the picture… my face is changing as well… I cought my reflection in the mirror the other day and I was like… nicely surprised :slightly_smiling_face:


And yes, saving money feels good! And not only the money I used to spend on alcohol, also the money I used to spend to make myself feel better when hungover, money spent to buy myself some ‘happiness’…

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Lol I remember ones I was so badly hungover and I needed cash (dont remember for what but it was quite a lot) I went to the cash point, withdrew the money and then just walked away without it, obviously it wasn’t there anymore when I came back :grinning:

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Yes!!! Proper Monster hungover :slight_smile: And just when you think you couldn’t feel any more shitty you learn that you can LOL


Yes… maybe all that stuff had to happen for us to learn

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@Blanka congratulations on your 19 days. Making a nice dinner without drinking is a wonderful feeling and a great milestone :muscle:t4:

@Sticky 3 weeks!!! That’s awesome work :clap:t4::muscle:t4:… Glad you are seeing/ feeling the sober benefits…way to beat the cravings and soldier on … We don’t need to poison ourselves and trick ourselves into believing that we are missing out on something when in reality we have the real secret :wink:

Great work you two!!! Keep stacking up the days :muscle:t4::confetti_ball::tada:


19 days! :wink:thank you Jasmine xxx

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How many days for you?

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Sorry love. .I knew 19 but typed incorrectly…not taking any time away as I know how hard each day is. I’ve fixed now…:pray:t4::people_hugging:

Lol exactly x

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I’m going on 718 days from weed and alcohol. A little over 3 yrs with cigarettes…still shocked with the numbers :pray:t4::pray:t4:


Wow!!! Thats so big

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