Blood test results

So at the beginning of this year and as late as August after 6 weeks abstinence I still had excessive high liver enzymes and macrocytosis (large red blood cells)
Today I received my blood results from Dec 23rd and it’s the first time in probably since before I started drinking that my liver is 100% normal no permanent damage. The relief is beyond anything I can tell you. My last Gamma GT was 425 in August today it is 32!! So worth everyday sober as well as all the other reasons I enjoy waking up in the morning. I’m learning to respect my organs and my body like little pets and it’s nice to know I care enough about my health to continue the path I am on.
Blessing x


Awesome! Great news. And great job on sticking to sobriety. Keep those little pets healthy :wink::hugs:


What a nice way to think about it. I like that. I can’t remember where I read it, but someone said that when we stop drinking our body breathes a sigh of relief and gets to work repairing itself.

Great job! That’s so awesome. Our bodies are something else.


Now to loose some weight, keep lowering my cholesterol and sort my buggered shoulder out and we will be ship shape :joy::joy:


Wow! That’s great news!!

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So awesome!! :grinning:

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The human body is an amazing thing. Congrats on your blood tests. Keep it up!!

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I love how you call your organs little pets! I will never forget this. Thank you! Congratulations on your testing. In. Month it’s my turn

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Woo hoo! So happy for you. Your sobriety is really paying off. :two_hearts:

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Nice work! I had repeat blood work done on Tuesday for my liver function and your post gives me hope. Hopefully I hear back on monday. Great job!

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That is such great news!!


Awesome! I’m coming up on the 2 year mark. I remember being in the same spot as you. On pins and needles waiting for my results.

I was afraid on two fronts. First is obvious, that I had something wrong and was dying. The second was that there would be nothing wrong and I would then justify going back to drinking again because I was fine.

I got the results back and after 30ish years of drinking I dodged a bullet. Although I had elevated levels the blood work and ultrasound showed everything was ok and eventually would return to normal. I have been able to hold on to my sobriety and I know that next time (if there is ever one) could be the end.


That’s great news!!! Your body is giving you a reward for all your hard work.


The physical symptoms I had in the last few months of drinking were not worth it looking back I was literally at a point of self harm where it hurt to drink and I carried on drinking. I feel sick at the thought of what I was putting my body through. The wake up call was the doctor said if I carry on like this I would permanently damage my liver. If truth be told my friend had a similar warning but he never stopped he’s a bit older than me and doesn’t look great. I have seen someone die from alcoholism also I had never ever seen someone so yellow and swollen it was heartbreaking I was 19 when I saw that. For me it was a no brained I had to stop and stop I did. The last two years I’ve despised my drinking I think maybe that’s why I had done a lot of mental preparation for it I don’t know. But all I know is life is so precious and I wanted to live and enjoy my future. I have lost a lot of friends through sobriety and other reasons but you know what that’s ok!! It’s created room for new better people when I’m ready to let them in!


That must be a big relieve!
Congratulations!! :confetti_ball:

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That’s awesome congrats!!! May I ask how heavy your drinking was and for how long? Looking for a little bit of hope for myself :grimacing: Been drinking lots of green tea, and taking lots of milk thistle and turmeric to help my poor liver :frowning:


I worked out today I was drinking king about three bottles of wine four days a week so that worked out at 7000+ units a year and I have consistently been drinking at that level for 3 and a half years now I’m on zero