Boom just like that 11 days gone

I just threw away my 11 days on being clean I feel like a idiot I was so proud of my 11 days !! I was doing good I got triggered my friend came over with some drinks and next thing I knew BOOM I WAS CALLING MY D-BOY!!! :boom: I refuse to give up !!! I gotta try harder and do better next time


Welcome back.

If nothing changes.
Nothing changes.


I’m sorry @Shell38621! Tomorrow is a new day! Start again. I messed up after my first two days, which isn’t the same but I wish I wouldn’t have. One thing that has helped me is putting a daily note in my Google calendar (my private one, not my work one :sweat_smile:) about my day, even if it’s just a day count. If I get thoughts of drinking, I look back to the day I messed up and my note says “I wish I wouldn’t have.” It sounds simple but it helps me.

Keep stepping forward!!


Glad you are here still!
Drinking makes you dropping your guards for using as well. But I guess you know that already.
I’m sorry about the relaps, it’s difficult to deal with it I know. Try to learn something out of it. What can you do different next time to avoid a new one?
Maybe it’s time to remove that phone number?
All those little changes can help you a lot. Building little walls for yourself so using isn’t that “easy”.


Ok. I think you and the “friend” are enabling each other. I’m sorry but do not spend time with that “friend”


Also why do you still have the dealers number?

That needs to be deleted



you can do this!


Maybe try ameeting and make new sober friends can have them round wish you well


You didnt throw 11 days away, you were sober that time. Build on that


Hey girl, i am so sorry to hear about ur relapse. How are you doing now? It can be hard (especially in early recovery) to be around others who are partaking in substances. I had a very similar experience many years ago with a “friend”. I Learned very quickly that alcohol is also a drug and that i cant even have alcohol bcuz it leads to others things… like my DOC. Take this relapse as a learning experience. See what u can do differently next time. It could be not hanging around certain people, or maybe deleting numbers of people that u know sell drugs. Make it extremely hard for u to use. Deleting numbers and blocking them was probably one of the biggest things for me to do in early recovery. Helped alot!! Sending u strength :slight_smile:


I agree I just got over cocky with it I thought I could handle it

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Now you know. You have learned something from this! Just keep pressing on!