'Bout that time... ...anyone up for PLANK challenge?

Had to search for my exercise mat. Found it. Day one done.


Day one :white_check_mark:
TS blank


Day one done :sunglasses:


I’ll check with my physical therapist but I think I’m out this round :sob: I saw the thread the other day and had some fomo cause I wanna do it too!


I totally did in January! I got through a page lol

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That shit really sucks, I hope you get the green light to do it soon

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I have a session today so I’ll ask but if nothing else I’ll be here for the next one

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You could just double the times when you do join next time as to make up for missing out on this one :thinking: @Runningfree

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Lol I think not! I’m not crazy :joy:

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Great idea!


Yes…lets do it.:100:


Yes, I do!! I was doing great with it. Then…the dreaded rotator cuff injury. Hurts like hell using it. After months of therapy and gym workouts I’m ready to dust it off. I have the least expensive version. I would recommend it. It is a good workout.


Oh same!! I have a left shoulder injury and some crazy crap going on with the pinky side of my right wrist lol. Last night I was doing half my plank work and push-ups on my knuckles for my right side.

I’ve also used the stealth as a bench for chest presses. That’s pretty fun :slight_smile:

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Injuries! Ugh!! Ill have to check out using it as a bench press. I’m sure there is a video. Have you seen those crazy videos where these TOTAL tight bodies do insane almost aerobic workouts on them? Letting go and clapping, lifting their legs? Yeah…well in terms of physicality and coordination that will be a “no” for me!! :laughing::laughing:

Great! The old fashioned paper taped to the wall. Works for me! :grinning::grinning:

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Let the fun begin. Day 1! Done! I started this in January and was doing well. I traveled unexpectedly and stopped. Gonna give it a better try this time.


I’m in. Started today!


Well, I made up the bench press :flushed: so not sure if it’s out there. I mean I guess it would be. I just needed one and had to improvise lol. Then I was like this is pretty cool.

Ummmmm. Jumping up, clapping hands, and not dying catching the board on the way down?!?! Oh boy, really confident that would not work out in my favor :joy::joy:

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July 1st. :ballot_box_with_check:


Day one done :dart::100::grin: