Brain Fried

Today is my first day sober from pot after heavy every day usage for the past three years. I am going to be honest its scary even as a grown man trying to think about going a whole day without it. It has become a crutch for my ridiculous futile life and what its become because of it. As scared as I am, I can fully say I AM ready for this ride ro be over.


Welcome to a wonderful day one. Its not gonna be easy but it will be worth it. Just remember it gets worse before it gets better. The hardest part is breaking the ritual


Welcome to the community :raising_hand_woman:


Welcome :pray:t2:


Welcome and congratulations on day 1. Glad you are here.


Welcome!! How are you doing today? Weed is a tough one for sure and is an easy crutch especially now that it is legal a lot more places. I’m on day 5 but this isn’t my first go with quitting weed. I find the first 7-10 days are the worst but after that (if I make it that far) it gets easier. Do you enjoy any hobbies to fill your time?

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It’s ok to be scared, buckle up for a new ride, full of feelings and awareness. I miss this crutch sometimes, but hey, that’s what life is about, feeling everything and dealing with whatever comes our way.
I wish you strength and motivation :muscle:t2:

Welcome,! its normal youre scared. It means your moving. Its hard. But hang in there one day at a time. You wont believe the person you can build yourself up to from the ground. Each day youll grow taller and discover how beautiful and strong you are. Evolving is addictive, one could say (hahaaaa).

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