Business award event, And I'm struggling to get my head ready,

So I’ve got this big event on Saturday, And i know there’s gonna be a lot of booze, And I’m gonna see all my close friends again, They all know that I’m trying to stay sober, So my mind is telling me that if i have a few drinks ill be okay,I’m nominated for a business award that night, So it’s hard for me not to enjoy my self and enjoy my achievements, But it’s hard to try and get my mind ready for it, Any advice?

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Congratulations on your award!! That is exciting! Lots of good tips in this thread for you…


Enjoying yourself doesn’t mean drinking. You are not depriving yourself of any enjoyment by not drinking.


What :goat: says!
Start thinking that you can enjoy this party and life without drinking.
All it is is the fact that the two have always been related in our lives.
But they don’t have to be. I have just as much fun as I did, if not more because I remember it.


I say this often which saves me, play it through to the very end which includes the next morning. Plus God forbid you get drunk on such a special night! We weren’t meant to enjoy life with the aid of outside substances! I bet you can do it being your fun clear self! Congratulations to your hard work!


Thank you so much, Means a lot, I’m gonna do my best to have a successful night without a drink, And just enjoy the achievements,


I can’t wait to hear all about it!
If I knew someone was abstaining I wouldn’t try to push a drink on them. Of course I come from a long line of recovering drunks so I applaud those who quit!
Also, get your own beverages…:slight_smile:


Congratulations on your award. If u really want to stay soba u can … u just need a plan to always have a soft drink in your hand so no one can pass u a alcoholic drink… think how good u will feel getting through the night soba and remembering the whole night . All u have to do is say no to that first drink and your be double proud of your award and sobriety x


My first big event was the wedding of my best friend’s niece. I watched her grow up and wanted to be there for her special day…but I was only like a month sober :grimacing: it was an open bar and to me it had bad written all over it. I almost declined but decided to let her know my situation. She told me please come and if I felt as though I had to leave before the reception she would not be upset in the slightest. So I went and subsequently had a wonderful time :heart: she sat my husband and I with some of her friends in recovery :heartpulse: we also got to catch up with some old friends that we hadn’t seen in many years. They are vegan, we don’t drink, so it was the running joke of the evening that they can go ahead and have their wine…but we would eat their dinner because they literally COULDN’T EAT ANYTHING!!! :joy: We stayed for one dance and left before the band and bar really got going. Long story short, have a plan. You can do it :blush:


And congratulations on your award nomination!


Think of all the reasons not to drink on your very special night! You’ll remember every detail, you’ll be on the top of your best game. You won’t have the ball and chain holding you to try to “control “ your drinking.

I’ve done work events sober and believe it or not once you get over the initial uncomfortable bit you will likely have more fun than with drinking

. If you want to be sober you have to put sobriety first

You can do this and it’s so worth it!


Congratulations! The best gift you can give yourself to celebrate it is doing it sober. There will be moments, when you might think, what the hell… but they shall pass. With you in spirit :heart::muscle:


Thank you for all the support messages,I really appreciate the help, I’ve asked the organizers to not let me near the bar and also have my table stocked with bottles of water, And I’ve asked my assistant to accompany me to the event, she will support me with the night, Thanks to everyone for the support


You got this!!! Focus on your achievement and if you feel off, grab your phone and come on here or just say you are ill and head out or hide out.

Congrats again!


There you go :muscle::ok_hand::+1::hugs:


Thanks so much, I Got this :facepunch::facepunch::facepunch::facepunch:


I like sassyrocks opinion about checking in here if you need to or just to let us know how it’s going! :hugs:

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So… I missed the beginning of this thread. Just read through it and was rooting for you. What I really and truly want to know at this point is if it was worth it. I’ve been having some temptation in my life and I know all the answers but am genuinely curious if there’s ever anyone who gives in and feels like it was worth it. If you don’t want to answer I understand. I hope this all doesn’t set you back on your recovery. Still rooting for you.

What happened to the safety guards??
Did you over indulge?

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Sorry to hear that. Hopefully you stopped.