
Well said. I’ve written down this in my journal. Very good points to build on. Thank you :slight_smile:

At my current ‘career’ I was 33 when I started it. Don’t know if this is the last career or not


Yes I agree. I will do some thinking. I love this message and have taken a screenshot for inspiration. Thank you very much the support you dont even know how much it means to me.

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All this support is amazing. I send my heart to you guys and strength and sobriety all I gotta say thank you for making me feel better.


@raptors6: I second this, coming from the other direction at 37. My alcoholism was driven by self-will and “workoholism.” Ended up with the career and not much else but a job that demands too dang much attention if I let it.

And daily I battle the same fears. I ended up specialized and regularly doubting it’s too late to do anything else. I become afraid I’m stuck or trapped. What else can I possibly do?

That’s a lie though, as all these fine folks say. I think what I’ve really been afraid of is the change, something new, which is ironic since that’s exactly the thing I’m looking for.

I think those enjoying a healthy recovery are uniquely qualified to embrace a new horizon. If we’re excited for it, maybe the journey can be more enjoyable than the destination.


Good points you touched on. Thanks! Really appreciate the support.

Well thank you! You are so kind for your words. I hope you are enjoying sobreity. It is a blessing!

Hey! Congrats on the clean time dude!! I was just chiming in to say that my sister (non addict…just a sister) changed careers completely starting over at 36…she was in customer relations and went to school to become a nurse…she’s 43 now and effing loves her choice and is living her best life as a nurse. What’s this too late crap?! Sounds like your friend needs to try to feel better about their life choices and does that by weighing out and judging other people’s lives…that’s bush league. You’re clearly an intelligent and driven dude…you got two years sober for gods sake…drown out the nonsense of others and discover what makes you light up on the inside. Great job so far👍🏻

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He died in the wilderness of Alaska… Not the best guy to take advice from :joy::joy:


Those poison berries and dehydration killed him.

I did my fair share of hitchhiking and living the free spirit life. Some days I still dream of it. But now if I were to run away into the woods it would be no different than the self-seeking and selfishness I’m trying to change. My days off tramping are behind me. I’m glad I got to experience it even for a little bit though.

I much preferref the book over the movie, but I generally think that about every book to movie lol

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My road trip consists of a 4 hour bike ride. But I have a 9 month pregnant fiance so a 6 month sojourn into the woods isn’t in the cards.


And if I came back dead she would kill me again :rofl:

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Thanks for the support. Fantastic advice. I wish you all the best. Thanks a million!

Beautifully put thank you!

This is fantastic! Im already reading about the field. Thanks for the support!!

No no no!! You are not too late. You’re even young enough to go back to school if you wish. You can try one of those career colleges if you want it quicker but even a degree is not out of the question.

But like OP stated above…you don’t NEED a career either…if it’s not what you want. I hear stories of people who just live traveling the world only taking jobs the earn enough money to get them to the next place. That sounds dreamy to me!!


Well thank you!!! Thanks for the support it means the world to me. I have to do some thinking, but your support makes me feel so much better.

Its summer time what do you think about lawn care? you can start your own business!

Me too, let’s go!

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