Cautionary tale of Woe

Drinking and a marriage that is breaking down dont really mix well.


Welcome back :+1: hope you do well with this attempt and look forward to reading more of your posts


Thanks Sassyrocks. I was maintaining ok until the divorce bombshell. I honestly didn’t see it coming at all- especially after almost a year of sobriety. I guess it was just too little too late. I am going to be sober one way or another. Now isn’t the time to drink myself silly again.


I stopped being vigilant and forgot how insidious alcohol can be. Last year was my first real try at sobriety. This was a relapse pure and simple. Now I know what that feels like.


You have the right attitude…sober, no matter what!!

Exactly! I don’t have enough experience to give you advice but I can tell that you know what it takes. Feel free to pm me if you want to vent. Trust me, not being in a relationship is much better than being in a bad relationship, however hard the transition is. Hang in there. Much love. :heart::heart::heart:


Hmmm escalate. I guess I do need some extra help this time. Especially because of the extra emotional issues I’m dealing with.

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If something is chasing you, you escalate by running faster. If something is blocking you, you escalate by hitting harder. Same applies to addiction: If the nail won’t go, get a bigger hammer.


Just for today! Everyday! You got this! Nice to meet you and welcome back :slight_smile:

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Well, that didn’t pan out. I am back, one day sober after a 3 year bender. Only by the grace of God was I not arrested or end up in the hospital or dead. I can’t believe it, I really am am alcoholic, and God help me to be sober again…I so embarrassed, I have reset a few times in the last year and posting this was sooo hard. But I can’t chicken out. I need face the truth so I can move ahead.


Welcome back. Here’s to one day down…you can do this :people_hugging:


Welcome back! I have a similar back and forth experience with getting sober, doing well, utilizing this site & then backsliding & returning here one month before my 1 yr date

Here is to making this time stick for good & using what we learned from this last go around to add to our tools for future success


Welcome back.


Wecome back :sunflower:


Welcome back! Nothing to be ashamed of in getting back to TS. Never give up. What’s your plan to get and stay sober?


It’s ok pick yourself up and keep moving! I had 4 years and relapsed for about 6 months on fentanyl. I have 30 days today! You got this! Focus on the future not the past.


Welcome back, I am so glad you returned and posted!! I am sorry about the harsh years between…I know that place…where everything kind of looses its luster and you just plod along in a spiral of drinking / hangover / regret / shame / stop / drinking / hangover / regret / shame / stop…so soul sucking. We make so many promises to our selves and work so damn hard trying to figure out how we can keep drinking in our life and begging to stop drinking…it takes up so much emotional and mental space. A half life.

There is truly a freedom to letting all those mental gymnastics go. To finally saying goodbye to that poison that was killing us physically mentally emotionally spiritually.

Glad you are back and fighting for sobriety. :purple_heart:


You’re back here, sober again, because this is where you are meant to be. God, the Universe, your Higher Power - whatever you’d like to call it - keeps leading you back :heart: deep down you want to be sober. And, you deserve to be. You deserve to be loved, happy, living life, joyful and free. Admitting the problem is the first part, but there is a lot of work to follow, daily. But, you’re worth it. You are important and you CAN be sober :blush: you know you can, now, you just gotta do what it takes and move forward with courage and determination. Its hard. I struggle too. But the struggle is worth it, because alcohol is a poison that ruins all the good in and coming our way. Sober life = our best life, always. Xo


One expression of the strength outside myself that keeps me sober is Talking Sober. Welcome back, I’m very glad you’re telling me that the merry-go-round is still operating and it doesn’t get better.

Just reaching out for help, admitting your condition to yourself and us, is a huge step toward serene sobriety. Here’s a thread that I’ve found helpful with actions to take to grow our sobriety. Blessings on your house :pray: as you begin your journey.


So glad you found the strength and courage within you to make that post - that in itself shows just how much power you have within you to do the hard things, the sometimes scary things, and this strength will bolster you on your way in recovery. Being vulnerable is a superpower in my book! Keep coming back, lean on this place and all of us and share - we can do this together! :heartpulse: