Celebrating one year clean from alcohol

Congratulations on the birthday. What a accomplishment. I am proud of all of us who keep sober and helping others. Especially here during these uncertain times in the world and meetings aren’t always available.

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Congratulations, that’s awesome :clap:

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Thanks for your kind words of support, Matt. You’ve genuinely helped me a lot without telling me what to do or criticising me. Thank you.


Congrats! That’s just awesome! Keep up the good work one day at a time!

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Yeah just ate a bit too much :sweat_smile::confounded: in typical addict style. Felt it in this mornings work out :confounded::confounded:



How long did it take for you to feel normal?

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Interesting question. A man in AA who has been sober for 55 years told me that for every year you used you can expect it to take a month to recover, I used for ten years. I think for me personally the big thing that has kept and will keep me going is working the AA twelve step programme to the best of my ability, for me it’s a programme for living with life on life’s terms. I was definitely way more unstable in early recovery, especially when coming off drugs, but any day I can have challenging situations arise, and every day I wake up still an alcoholic and an addict. For me I need to continue on my path of sobriety and not reset milestones. Using nearly took my life and dragged me under so I don’t want to ever go back to that. If you haven’t looked into aa I would highly suggest it. They’re even holding online meetings now. If anyone has any questions about AA I can help to the best of my ability. I do five meetings a week, if I miss a meeting I go crazy real fast. I also pray twice a day every day and have and am working the steps, I have a sponsor, it’s all like an insurance policy against using again. So to answer your question I never have and never can drink like a normal person, but aa helps me to be a positive productive member of society, and has given me a sense of manageability and sanity. Thanks.




Congratulations!!! One year is impressive!


Congrats @DuncanNZ


Glad to be walking the sober path with you, Duncan. Proud of you!


Thanks for getting back to me. Now I guess I got a little over 2 years left of feeling like a weirdo.

Awesome accomplishment! Congratulations to you and keep it up!

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Happy birthday brother @DuncanNZ!!!
I want to say this without offending anyone. The big book uses the word “recovered” 31 times in the first 164 pages of the big book. It only uses the word recovering once and it’s in “The Family Afterward” as it should be we will always be recovering when it comes to the family. The idea behind sobriety is that we get through the steps, have a spiritual experience so the obsession is removed ( therefore recovered ) and open up our horizons. I didn’t get sober to constantly remind myself of the past and that I was hopeless. Rather to open up my future to endless possibilities!!! Happy, joyous,and free.
Wavering more towards the comment from @Just_Laura
Identify however you want brother I’ll be proud of you anyways. I just think maybe this year offers more than hopeless??

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Thank you kindly for a refreshing outlook. I haven’t yet read the whole big book, merely only a few pages, thankfully I have the opportunity to kick my recovery up a gear. Nice to have a good perspective like that. Means a lot. Thank you.


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Yes Duncan! Great work. Thanks for sharing your journey with us.

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Thanks matey good on you for your contribution to this forum. You do a better job of mediation than I could dream of doing. Much loves :two_hearts:

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Duncan that’s awesome :heart::v::pray:

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Congratulations Duncan!! :confetti_ball::trophy::confetti_ball:
One year is awesome!!

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