Changing routine and quit feeling sorry

This should be celebrated as a major milestone. Im smiling from ear to ear for you!


Whoa Kathy - i am speechless.
Your post was so uplifting- i am so damn happy for you and your new found self. Self love and self acceptance is a great feeling in sobriety. You are absolutely doing so great my friend.

:people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging: love this and will always be here with the rest ofvthe gang for your support team :heart:

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Kathy… im so very proud of you…what i love is that your realistic about this…there will be hard days mixed with good days but always know that your on the right track when you choose sobriety. What those people in your community ‘think’ does not make it true it really does only matter what you think, you are doing amazingly and when you feel your not then keep doing what your doing by coming back to us, big love to you :blush: :heart:

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