
This is hard

We’re here for you! It’s tough but so are we :wink:

63 days…going strong . Today I was REBORN ! :innocent:

8 days clean and sober…trying really hard to get it this time

Hello I am new to the talking sober group. I have been clean from drugs for 3 months today… I relapsed after 2 years clean. 33 days ago I had a lapse with alcohol. Went to jail for 30 days and was released 3 days ago… I don’t wanna continue this path continuing to mess up. I am here hoping to find encouragement and possible good support

Zeke Lefty!!! congrats for accepting Christ as your savior!!! :grin:

I to am here to change my lifestyle and to be done with drinking once and for all.

Just reached a week clean and its getting harder urgh i know i need to stop and get clean for good but its so tough you know? Dealing with the urges to go back is killing me!

@doclalonde the best thing to do is go to as many meetings as you can. I suggest 90 meetings in 90 days this keeps you busy and introduces you to people in the program and helps with those urges.

@jrs2slow thank you but ive never heard of ny meetings for my particular addiction…but thank you so much for caring


I don’t wanna mess up anymore I feel like a failure


93 Days and i’m feeling so good !!!

Relapsed again… really starting to get discouraged

Good morning.

Good morning.

Good morning all have a great clean and sober day. Remember the hard part is over you woke up.

Helo :grinning:

Hang in there guys nd galls…its not always the easiest but we can do it ! There is a higher power nd you can do all things through him…god bless :slight_smile: