

Christo, i had a hard time sleeping the first time i quit drinking it was really hard I had night terrors that kept me awake and nightmares of demons beside my bed. Got some trazadone from doc and used that for a couple weeks and worked great. This time i have not had to take it though. Hope this helps.

Noy that I am a good role model but the first day is the worst phyically and mentally. It does get easier after that. Youā€™re not going to be alone please take it an hour at a time. I am 40 and alcohol has taken a huge toll. Donā€™t waste more time. Letā€™s use this forum to support each other. Well done for taking the first step to recognise there is a problem. :+1:

@Diesel. Well done. I think youā€™re on the right track now. I am taking mitrazapine for sleep, but I am not expecting it to work tonight.

Thank you @CHRISTO

Does anyone here finds dificult to imagine a life without alcohol? and or drugs? this feels just like a neuron fight all neural resources fighting to convince us of ingesting alcohol and or drugsā€¦

sorry if i write too much im kinda anxiousā€¦

CHRISTO, thatā€™s tough. But Iā€™m going to tell you this, me and my guy have been together for 2 &1/2 years now. We started drinking together. And he had a waking moment. I didnā€™tā€¦ It has not been easy for him to stand by and watch me slowly kill myself. But he never gave up on me. And he has been sober for over a year. I had my waking moment after numerous trips to the ER, and finally being told that I have pancreatitis. I didnā€™t believe the doctor when he said I would have to change everything. Especially the drinking. I drank again. I was admitted again. I think in a way that was God doing for me what I couldnā€™t do for myself. That was the point when I had to admit my powerless. You stay string for YOUā€¦ and God will take care of all the rest.

Im expiriencing pain all over my body, this is my first day without drugs or alcohol since a couple of yearsā€¦ It seams that the day is getting longer and longerā€¦

I love sobriety

First Monday AA meeting down feeling positive just about to hit the weights in my garden. Going sweat this negativity out of me :slight_smile: stay strong everyone :facepunch:

Hello everyone. First time on this forum. Started my journey for being sober 2 days ago.

Hey RajC this is my first day it has been a long and painful day but everything is getting better Saludos desde Tijuana Mexico.

@Nikki78. Thank you so much - your story is quite scary ending up in ER and everything that happened to you, but look how far you have gone. Well done to you and your partner. Day 2 and I must say I am feeling so much better already, even though I couldnā€™t sleep much and had terrible night sweats. I feel much stronger and determined to do this. I have a very slight discomfort and what feels like a small bump on the right upper abdomen and also loss of appetite, which is freaking me out. I also feel this is God telling me to do something now or I will die, I just hope it is not too lateā€¦ My partner also agreed to go the sobriety road with me which will help alot I trust. Thank you again. :hugging:

CHRISTO, PLEASE GET THAT BUMP CHECKED OUT. Its not too late. Good luck to you. And your partner. Congratulations on day TWO!!!

@Nikki78. I just made an appointment for tomorrow - you are right - rather know now what the damage is. I am stressed out - no pain, just a little discomfort and the loss in appetite the last month. Think I might ask about antibuze as well. Much appreciated the advise!! :fearful:

CHRISTO, I donā€™t know if they use antibuze anymore. But your doing the right thing. I had that same bunp and discomfort in my upper right abdomen. I ignored it. Than it got painful. So I drank to forget about the pain. It got so bad that I couldnā€™t walk, cough, or sneeze without crying . Donā€™t be worried, youā€™re going to get better. I promiseā€¦

@Nikki78. You convinced me when you mentioned you had pancreatitis. Sounds very serious. I canā€™t thank you enough. :pray: :hugging:

I know this may sound stupid but my addiction is food. I know its something you have to have in order to survive. Can anyone relate?

Hello guys :smiley: