
I am on day 1 as well. Well day 1 and 12 hours to be exact. Had 5 months sober last year and it has been getting worse again by the day. I want to make this my last day 1 !

Day one was the hardest for me. Day two was getting a little easier. By day three the shaking and sick feeling had started to fade. I had to just keep telling myself that it will get better. This was my second experience with the DTā€™s. I laid in my bed shaking and sweating. I taught I was dying for sure. I was. The ALCAHOL Was Trying To Kill Me. fighting the craving to drink is one thing, but drinking so much that your body shuts down if you donā€™t have it, was a whole new level for me.

RazorBladeAlly, Ladynin92, CHRISTO, and Diesel, you are an inspiration to me. Iā€™m on day 11. And just remembering my day one keeps me strong. Thank you. And you can do this.

Thank you

Online as

@Nikki78 thank you so much for the message. Youā€™re inspire ME. So far going well although today was hell with a anxiety attacks and feeling constant fear of dying. I donā€™t want to feel this way again. Not ever. My partner still drinks so it is especially difficult to abstain. :pray:

Great job Niki 11 days! Christo, its going to be tough if your partner continues to drink but be strong we are here to talk. Just remember alcohol is just a drink that we donā€™t need all it does is cause us drama and remorse and makes is poor. Together we can drink sparkling water and still have a great time doing whatever without those dam hangovers. We are in this together!

Hello everyone im new here

Anyone around?

Im from tijuana mexico and i am an alcoholic and drug addict

@Diesel. Deal, we can do this together. Expecting no sleep tonight wonā€™t be fun, but is great motivation thinking we are not going through this alone. Stay strong! :clap:

Hi Felipe. You ok?

Hello, all My name I see Matt Starting this Journey today.

hey christo thamks for the support

i really needed that

Not really Christo, i feel like im living the apocalypseā€¦

Why? @FelipeM. When last did you use?

@eboski22. Matt you need to know you r not alone.

This is my first day christo i have been using since i was 18 im 33 nowā€¦

Hey yā€™all my name is Heshy Iā€™m a recovering heroin addict and I got 40 something days today.