Hey newbie. I’m also a newbie
Hello everyone Hope your all having a lovely sober day if anyone is struggling today remember why you started don’t quit stay strong my friends xxx
I’m actually meeting my father in a pub for coffee I need to get use to being around drink so what if I can’t have one x
One day cloose to end. Bu ı am Still miss Italian wine - Toscana
after 2,5 mounts
Day 12 slowly turning the corner again
Its a f**kin corner lol
Active life in active movement leads to active grate days!
Hi everyone! I just joined. I’m happy to be here! I just recently came back from a 4 month relapse. I’m on day 5! I keep reciting step 2. “came to believe a power greater than myself can restore me to sanity.” I know it’s true because I couldn’t get more than a 1 day sober and some how I made it to say 5.
One day at a time!
Just joined. 3 days sober! I blacked out and made a total ass out of myself at my mother in law’s house of all places.
On day 15 … feel emotional today not sure why.!
Feel lonely and that scares me.
Scrilla- you’re never alone ️
Hi my is Rashad James and I’m a recovering meth user I live in Houston Texas could someone please help find a sponsor so I don’t relaspe I don’t have a support system and I’m fighting this alone I’m in school and I work part time and I just lost my apartment due to drug abuse and neglect of responsibilities and I’m HIV Positive and want to be and stay healthy but my addiction relaspes happen alot I’m trying quit permanently and stay on the right path and live
Almost day 42, and going strong. But my depression is still here. I wish my husband understood that it’s uncontrollable. And if I could change the way I feel, I would. I don’t ever want to ever use again. And I want to learn to be happy without drugs, I’m only in a little over 40 days, and i know I have a long road ahead of me. Just if anyone that understands, has any positive vibes, or words of encouragement please send them my way.
I’m on day 23 & its never been harder. Everyone says the first few days are the hardest but for me it’s not getting easier, the mental part of it all is the worst. All I want to do is fu**ing use!!! Please help talk me out of it!!!
@BabyPenguin don’t ise, it is hard but it does get easier. And It’s worth it in the end, to feel free from letting your addiction control you. Stay sober to move forward.
@BabyPenguin Don’t give up it does get easier I promise you that you may not feel it now but it does. I’ve been sober for 27 years believe me it works.