
Hi everyone. I hope everyone is doing well still. I’m new to this but I can’t seem to help myself and I don’t have any friends that I can confide on. I hope to beat this addiction with you guys. I may have a little addiction then you all but it’s to me is crippling me. It gambling.

Have a good day everyone

I don’t know what I am even doing on this site. I’ve been taking opiates for 13 years and I am trying to cold turkey it but I’m scared to go through the withdrawals while my 10 year old step daughter is with us. She goes to her 2 week visitation with her mom on Christmas day so I guess I should start quitting then bc I don’t want her to see me going into the withdrawal state. Like I said I don’t know what I am doing here. Maybe subconsciously I’m seeking others like me bc one isn’t the loneliest. Being an addict is. If you’ve read this thank you. And if you have and advice or comments, postive or negative, please please please reply

Merry Christmas everyone

Wish everyone a blessed and sober day!


23 days sober all for my beautiful children who only deserve the best mother and childhood.


Today sucks

Good morning everyone hope have a great day

I am new here too


Day 17 sober from alcohol and smoking. Feeling very anxious Saturday and Sunday

Had a terrible dream I was drinking beer and smoking cigarettes

4 months and 5 days sober only through Christ who has strengthened me!


10 ten nearly done how long will it take for me not to think about alcohol a dozen times a day?

I need help trying to push aside anxiety . Any tips to counter Anxiety so I can avoid the booze and get on with my friggin existence?

Hello there

I’ve just signed in for the first time. Really grateful that I’ve found this app. It really works for me reading your stories. It’s a huge insperation