
Hi there…just checking in. Feeling tired, but centered. Optimistic and hopeful. Last night was rough though…

Strange how non-acceptance ( OF ANYTHING ! ) can lead to a thought process that leaves me with the desire to drink …caught myself wanting to take control again…to do things MY WAY. Not a good place to be. “LET GO AND LET GOD " fits right in line with, " GOD, GRANT ME THE SERENITY TO ACCEPT THE THINGS I CANNOT CHANGE…” I’m thankful that I was able to take back to the source and see where all of this was coming from.

I’m still amazed how those simple truths can seem like such foreign concepts when I’m in a place where my self will is attempting to run riot.

I’m 5 months clean and I now am. Seeing God’s beauty for the first time I am 36 yrs old and been using almost all my adult life

New here! 8 days today and I’ve never been more proud of myself. everyday I check off on the calendar gets me excited to mark the next! I never want to look back.

Hey everyone I’m new here and just looking for some extra support I have 97 days sober from heroin super proud of myself !

Hi everyone! I am on day 3 and doing ok so far! Great job to everyone on here! I’m am determined to get through this no matter how hard it may seem right now! I can do this!

Im new here, im an alcoholic and a heroin addict and i got 71 days today

I’m new too, new here and to sobriety. Day 2

@ChrissyQ well done! I’m hoping to find support here as well, this seems like a good forum for it

Since fracturing my spine nearly 5 years ago, I have become dependant on numerous substances to assist with “the pain” which I feel as though 50% plus of which is psychosomatic in nature. I’m not sure as to what to stop first.
-Alcohol 12 plus standard drinks per night
-Hydrocodone/oxy 40 - 50mg minimum per day
-Valium/diazepam - 3-5 × 5mg per day should be easiest although it could assist with the withdrawals.
-400mg codeine cwe 2 to 3 times per week
-Marijuana~moderate (1 gram or less per day) and easy to quit
Its an extremely rough choice and each time i try to commit to sobriety i fail (although 2 years ago i quit drinking for a month) due to the incessant feeling of failure brought about by the issue that i do not feel as though i can quit all these substances at once and due to that i feel a sense of worthlessness regardless of any progress i make.


@Skeptikal try going to treatment I grew and learn so much at the one I went to but you are a strong person and you are worth it!!! Stay strong you can do it!!! Im here for you!!!


Im struggling hard with an addiction to porn, masturbation, and lust. Ive had success but everytime i fall i fall harder and deeper. Any advice?

Hey everyone! I always feel like Monday is a fresh start for the week. How do you control yourself when you are alone? Its hard when I’m not with my son to stay sober. I have a few friends that I love but when I get with them I usually use. Should I cut them out ??

Love finding a place I can be around my people! Sobiety is such a precios gift!

16 months clean , happy to chat and help all this in recovery , one day clean , one minute , one second clean is huge so keep going forward all xxx

Just wanted to say Hi

This is a new platform to me me

I have been Sober 5 months. I hope I see many more days to come.