
Hi. How do u chat on a certain topic. I can’t seem to be abke to comment in a groh

Group like daily check in

I’m 36 years old and today is my 1st day sober.

Anyone around to chat? Just got started on app not real sure how this works

Day two of being sober.

Day 2. I contacted the owner of our local nano brewery about crafting or carrying NA beer. I am not ready to drink water and answer questions. Here is going to keep some in the cooler. I feel success.

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And it is so difficultdealing with these feelings

Uhh… Hello

Sober on a Saturday morning feels so good. I’m sending everyone positive vibes, stay strong :muscle:

70 days! Feeling accomplished, and mellow. Made massive progress cleaning (I can FINALLY have people over, time to not be a drunken, lonely hermit. Which is nervous making but brave new world here I come!) Here comes 90 days, one day at a time.

I’m finding these chats a bit over evening there are so many people with different stuff doing on is there a way to private message is someone seems to be struggling with similar stuff as you?

@Alohomora yes there is. But I’m still trying to figure it out myself

1 year clean and sober as of yesterday :sparkling_heart: So grateful to be here and still take it one second at a time :heart:

Wow congratulations pamelarake that is an amazing achievement you a super strong😀 im only new on my journey today marks day 1 alcohol free hopefully i can be as strong as you .

Hi everybody

I’m on day 8 and I feel like my life is collapsing around me. I’m so sad for the mistakes I’ve made and the people I have hurt with this addiction

Hi… it’s been awhile.

@Pamelarake great achievement … keep it up…