
I’m new to this and I am addicted to heroin, I’ve been wanting to get clean but I only go 2days or 1day and a half, any encouragement?? BTW I’m Prego :disappointed:

I’m so sad that I don’t even have motivation to stop
for the bby in me

It’s hard :sob::sob::sob:

@Casper you can do this. I have faith in you. :+1:

I have a works Christmas party this weekend and none of them know I am a recovering alcoholic. How am I going to get through without having a drink??? I’m petrified

Hi anyone there

@Teapots hey im new here just started today how r u doin about ur Christmas party its gonna be hard that’s all that goes on is drinking is there any way you can just not go


Anyone there?


Made it to 30 days. Small miracle so I thought I’d give myself semi praise. Not to much :grinning:

Hello fam

How’s everybody out there?

January 1st I meet my first 90 days ever sober. :sunglasses:

Anyone here?

Hello community


Right on! :unicorn:

Hey, I’m new here…kinda confused about how to respond like there’s no send button…?

Ok…lol :thinking: anyway 105 days sober today