
Hello, Im Ashley Marie (30) I am a recovering addict, currently 7 months clean.

Hi everyone!!


just realize I havenā€™t posted here in 17 months, hope everyone is doing well

@Cactus_mom hey :smile: how are you ?

I had sex sober. Hated it. I guess I need intimacy now.

Need help with anxiety & headaches Iā€™m so tired of feeling like this Iā€™m 49days sober will this ever stop?

Hey all

@Reannon1 it may take a little longer. Everyone is different. I still get headaches every now and then. Iā€™ll be 1 year end of april. Keep fighting. Dont be a stranger!!

@AshleyMarie not good today I woke up wanting to drink and Iā€™m tired cuz I cant seem to stay asleep during the night ā€¦ but it could be worse u know lol how r u

hi everyone. im new here. im on 16 months of sobriety. ive been through a lot and still dealing with consequences of my actions while in active addiction. would be glad to help anyone in need. :blush: :hugs:

@Cactus_mom sorry to hear that, I have trouble sleeping as well. Then you feel tired all day. I am doing pretty good. Had a really long boring day at work though.

See I wish I had work I feel like it might help but Iā€™m a stay at home mom I love it but sometimes itā€™s hard especially with going through trying to be sober I got use to my drinks sad to say ā€¦ @AshleyMarie

Itā€™s my birthday. And you know.


Hey my name is Jason in 2 days I have 7 months clean I donā€™t know why I came on here but I am so freaking lonely I just broke up with a girl I met in the Narcotics Anonymous rooms and we are trying to focus on ourselves it is a struggle to understand how is she going to be just fine and doesnā€™t miss me Iā€™m on step four and do lots of service work Iā€™m the GSR for my City and do everything I can to do the right thing but God damn Iā€™m struggling

I miss her but she is doing just fine without me so yeah Iā€™m trying to let go

Hi @Reveal. Sorry to hear about your breakup, but plz DONā€™T let this ruin your sobriety! With you being so new in your recovery, itā€™s honestly your time to be selfish in your recovery. Focus on you! The right one will come along. Trust me, Iā€™ve been there. I came outta a 7yr relationship at the very beginning of my recovery. I didnā€™t think I could live without this guy, but our relationship had become very toxic, very early. It was partly the reason I started using heavily. I ended up meeting someone new, and we became friendsā€¦ within a few months we were dating. Now weā€™re engaged and have a 9mo son. Weā€™re still working our recovery, and life is good. Give it a chance, and keep up the good work staying sober!


Day 3 looking moody feeling stressed waiting for the horrible feelings to pass