
They will bud. I was there too.

Good Morning. I’m new here. Wish you a great day. Best wishes from Germany


Anyone try to get coke clean? I’m struggling and though it was just me on my own

Good evening everyone? How is everyone doing on this night?

@Kate80 I been clean form Coke for 17 years you can do it


8 days

I feel the cues … i dont want to reset my clock …

Today is the 9th day since I quit tobacco and Marijuana. I quit both on the same day. I am feeling good. Proud of myself. I just need some advice. All my frds smoke tobacco and Marijuana on regular basis. I hang out with them because they are my childhood friends. Without them I will be spending my evenings alone. What should I do.

Hey I’m new here just thought I’d say hi.

19 days clean boy!!!

Day one!! I realized this morning that even though I don’t drink every day, binge drinking is a problem and its affecting my health.

@Steven_Bowler we can do this!!!

I was a binge drinker too, I reaaaaaallly didnt want to be an alcoholic but the 3rd DUI was too much to ignore :slight_smile: We belong in recovery spaces too! Dont have to have physical dependence to be an alcoholic, just unpredictable negative consequences from my drinking.

hi im mo. im an alcoholic, trying to quit smoking (health reasons)… im 4 days sober… this time i feel i wont fail even tho i have a bottle next to me im not going to drink it… my boyfriend of many months who was sober over 130 days just relapsed a couple nights ago and has been in the hole ever since. he is a marine vet and from what i can tell is suffering ptsd even tho he wont tell me… im here for me of course and will do what i need to stay sober but if anyone has any tips to help someone else too i would appreciate it


God is good he will help he helps me every day

what’s up everyone?

Im to afraid to disappoint my parents again. I was clean for a full year. Ive had a slip like 1,5months ago. Now im almost back to the beginning with my use and dont really know how i can fix it without them need to worry