
Hi all

Whats everyone’s clean date?

Mine is 2/28/19

On day 2! Hopefully make it to 3

I’ve been without alcohol for 8 months and 17 days. And today I quit drugs and have just done them for the last time. I have strips for testing every 3 days and I look forward to being accountable and done drugs for good. I’ve hurt many. I am finished with them. Looking for someone with clean time in drugs to also be accountable to.


Hello everyone nice to meet you Im new been working on staying clean for 1 month an 19 days today


Also very new to this but thanks to my bestie Kristy I’ll be in classes once my dt are done

But told alcohol is worse than any drug on dr

Dt***anyone can PLZ HELP ME…

Day 34 :relaxed:

Whoa whoa buddy, you got important places and things to do too. Franky I think the Universe allowed you to flap your wings and get a feel for dating under different priorities than shit faced every night. Franky you are holding on to target practice, your in the batters box now and may I add *Sober. (By choice too, noone is pointing a gun at your head. What I’m saying is if your not concentrating on the new energies and characters that are going to be coming into your life (side B)… because your trying to extend some skin surface emotions you lived with a stranger beyond their use and or value. Then what hell are we doing here.? :facepunch: Alex 2 hours and 49 minutes sober. “C” word addict :kiss

Hey guys !


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I’m 4 mo clean and having a bad day today


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83 days sober

One week :slight_smile:

Goodmorning sober people feeling great worried about the weekend but I got this :blush: