
Hello All I’m new and starting over sadly

Hi LexieRae ditto am 13 days in.

I been clean from coke for 4 days

Congrats to you Latasha22! :wink:

Yeah, let’s go for one more day, Latasha22, then take it from there!

Yeah made it 5 days!!!

Thanks Claudia!!!

On day 3 of being sobriety

Stazbier you got this!!!

This my 5th day clean!! Kind of having a hard today but I am going to fight through it!!!

90 days today

I agree!

Anyone here have an issue with kratom?

I’m on day 10 sober from alcohol. I feel like I need a hobby…anyone pick up a hobby once they were sober? I feel like I have so much free time. I even picked up a shift for work tomorrow bc I’m kinda scared to be bored. I tend to drink when I’m bored.

Shyshy try exercise running works for me.

I’m addicted to the gym now I love it


Just a few days and I’ll be 8 months sober. Feels good. :heart::blue_heart::heart:

Almost 1000 days clean from dope & Coke. Yeaaaa buddy 8 more days :star_struck:

64 days sober. Never thought I could do it. :wink: