
That is so awesome

Aaron that’s awesome


Anyone addicted to novel reading? so much so that it’s become a compulsive thing & you feel like doing it everytime. you have that voice at the back of your mind telling your not to be a vegetable but you still do it? Does anyone read so pathologically?

I know it sounds weird

Hi. It is my once again another “first day” i dont know how am I going to do this

Hey everyone! Just wanted to say I’m grateful to be sober and grateful to have somewhere to talk and post other than Facebook . God bless :pray:.

One year sober today

Congrats on one year!!! Awesome :+1:

Just binging on some good shit. At least a series can’t give me withdrawals lol

Day 3 For Me Off Alcohol. Keep Me In Your Prayers :angel:t5:

Way to go man! Making that decision is the hardest keep it up

Relapsed tonight…I was almost at 2 months

@Denney Its ok to falter. What matter is not giving up. Get back up again! Baby steps 🖒

Thank you!

Good evening all

Hey everyone I’m new to the chat room

Good evening.

So, I’m 204 days sober. I feel great. I went from homeless to having an Apartment and a doggie. I am blessed and so thankful!!!

Congrats dude! Recovery has amazing rewards!