
49 days sober getting close too the big 60day whoo hoo

10 days sober made it 4 months last year then bam ā€¦ Starting over :innocent:

Hi all just downloaded this app my first day not using I wish u all the best

Hi everybody. 16 days no alcohol. Godā€™s speed. I hope everyone has a good day!


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Day 3.5 quiting alcohol cold turkey and 3 yrs clean from meth here. Iā€™m struggling here and there with the no alcohol part but also feel great. I have started working out and i keep a big cup with me all the time full of lemon water or honey water to keep drinkin through the day (was my habit with alcohol). Hang in there ladies and gents, WE GOT THIS :muscle::heartpulse:

Congrats to everyone 1 year 6 months

12 hrs down .love this app itā€™s amazing can keep connected.xxxxbig up u all.!!!

Good night and stay safe and strong please remember with dark night comes a bright

Day 1ā€¦ I can do this, i normally can not go 1 day without drinking alcohol so hereā€™s hopefully to be better me

Iā€™ve set the reset button feel shitty by also alittle empowerd.good :night_with_stars: all.xxI CAN AND WILL NOT PICK UP.#STRUGGLES OF A ADDICT.

Hi everyone


Need sober women support please!

Been struggling for a whole year now. Iā€™ve known Iā€™ve had a problem and Iā€™ve quit here and there. 2-3 days sober then drinking again. Made it to 11 days once. Havenā€™t been able to since. Even uninstalled the app and gave up for a while which was a long 2 month binge. Just getting tired of fighting the voice in my head saying itā€™s okay. Tired of detoxing and withdrawing every week. Everytime I cave I know Iā€™m going to regret it but I do it anyway. Considering AA at this point but Iā€™ve never been a social person. So Iā€™m here back at 12 hours sober. Going for the first 48 again.

Hey NickL im on my first day too.

Itā€™s like everything is just on repeat. I know I can make it through it. Iā€™ve done it before. But everytime I get between that 48-72 hours the stomach pain is to much. The ā€œlittle voiceā€ in my head tells me itā€™s okay just mellow out and relax. The urge for the numbness. Every time. If I could just make it through the detox it would be easier. But like I said, itā€™s clockwork. I always find an excuse for 1 drink which puts me in the mindset ā€œwell Iā€™ve already caved so I might as well enjoy tonight and try again tomorrowā€ so I have a few more. Then it starts all over.

Hows everyoneā€™s sobriety

Iā€™m on day 529 no alcohol
