Checking in daily to help maintain focus #7

Day 69.
Friday showed to be difficult cause my brother seemily brought a cup of gin out an I could smell it through the air.he even made the ice cubes clink together as if a bell for me to come an get it.
Not sure if he tempted me on purpose but most likely after i let him know that he caught my attention,he expected me to go to the liquor i done so many times before.
I stayed strong


Morning everyone :heart:
Checking in with double digits today!! - morning of day 10 :hugs: on my way to work - overslept an hour, so not the best morning for me. But i guess that happens for everyone at some point :see_no_evil:

Have a good day :heart:



Thank you God.


That’s today actually Cate. So I’m out to bag it early evening. Watch this space! :joy:

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Don’t be too down about this Lisa. As Kairi says there are online meetings.
Maybe be up front and ask that you be contacted if this happens again. Explain how you feel.
Something I have found is yes, people are there for each other but sometimes they don’t realise that we need it until we say!
Just a thought.


Day 93.I am home alone. Reading for an examination. Feeling fine.


Yeah new thread :metal: checking in day 24, all good :slight_smile:


Day 201! Feels like I’ve user dreams almost every night lately. I haven’t remembered a dream for years before due to my using.
Have a great Sunday everyone!


Waking up on day 4 to get through today,going to see what Russell Brand has put in email box for step 7 ,I walked into an NA meeting on day 2 by a miracle,I wasn’t even nervous,it’s one I used to go 15-20years ago,I had to try something different to what I have been doing,…I’m glad I did,…I have been into 2 or 3 meetings WITH somebody over the last 7 years but to walk into a meeting by MYSELF it’s been about 15 years and I did a good stint then of 6 months,it was still crack then,so back then ,alcohol i was still in denial about…not today!!..


Good work Hazy! Keep it up.:metal:

Cheers Geoff have a good day, :sunflower:

And you my friend!

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Day 468, another sober one :metal:


Congratulations @David45, 3 months down! Awesome!! :trophy:

Double digits day for you @AnonymousD :confetti_ball: Well done :facepunch:

Had a relapse dream a couple of days ago, still sort of recovering from it @bikethief . It was so real! I see it like a kind of warning for myself that my mind is lurking towards the alcohol again…so I keep my guards up extra!

@anon89892515 thank you for sharing the Daylio app on here. I was trying to reply on your message about it when the tread shut down and so I couldn’t find the reply button anymore :joy:
It took a while before I discovered why.
So thank you, just put the app on my phone :+1:

Day 489 :coffee:
Survived the party sober yesterday, but saw a lot of drunk people. Mixed feelings about it. It made me think about how relaxed and comfident drinking could make me feel, but also about the stupid things I’ve said or did and the shame and sadness the day after (and let’s not forget the headache,etc.) Over all it’s good the way it is right now. It’s better this way.
My liver is applausing!! :clap::clap::clap:
Update Just found out that yesterday was my 16 months sober date! I forgot all about it! Was to focussed on my relapse dream and party to go to I guess. So 16 months in my f*****g pocket!! :trophy:


Day 60. A few thoughts of drinking in recent days and their nature worried me. They reminisced about the pleasurable first drink and brushed aside the innumerable negatives associated with my old life style. Not had thoughts like these for quite a while. Perhaps getting complacent- need to stay focused. Take care :pray:


Day 330. Off to London shortly to visit an old friend for a few days. Really looking forward to it and have a few activities planned so hopefully not too much time spent in pubs. It’ll be really good to have a change of scenery and a couple of days off work.

Have a great day all, as usual love checking in here and seeing everyones numbers and shares. It helps remind me im on the right path :+1:


Day 35. Woke up feeling super tired this morning. Thank God it’s Sunday so I don’t have a particular schedule to follow today. I definitely think today will be about relaxing and enjoying time with my family. Happy sober Sunday e everyone :smiley:


I just said this to someone yesterday!
I passed my PB yesterday; I’m pretty excited too! :facepunch::blush:


Great Work; well done!!!