Checking in daily to help maintain focus #7

Great job!!! Keep it going!!!

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Morning check-in


@Jennajen. Jenna, so good to see you back. :tulip:


Day 376. Going to see a play on this snowy afternoon with my hubby. I found this cool coffee/book shop to check out before the show. We normally would have stopped for several drinks. I love replacing the time I spent drinking on new and fun things to do and experience. Alcohol is nothing but a poison :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones: that robs us of the precious time we have to experience and embrace the good things that life has to offer. Wishing you all a healthy, sober Sunday. :tulip:


Day 14.
Last night was HARD! We hosted a dinner party for several neighbors. Everyone brought wine as it was Italian night. My plan was Cran Grape juice so it appeared that I had wine ( not ready to discuss this with them). I made it through but tbh I was miserable the entire night and mentally and physically exhausted. One couple was pounding the wine and stayed until midnight- it was very annoying but I know last month I would’ve been going glass for glass with them. It’s weird, I woke up groggy this morning like I drank but I didn’t have a drop. Anyone else ever have that sensation? :man_shrugging:
Well off to church- have a blessed Sunday all!


I wake up with headaches sometimes too…
I remember years ago I used to bartend and I hated seeing people get louder and sloppier!

Day 1 , I don’t like typing that but I got to own it. Not going to have myself a pity party over it, just going to get back to stacking up sober days and soon I’ll be back to where I was. It was not worth it, I haven’t missed out on anything the past 68 days for sure!!!


That sucks, I am so sorry. Yeah, I would just bring up having a protocol for inclement weather. I guarantee it was just an oversight and they’ll feel terrible. It’s such a help to you, and I would hate to see you rethink it :slightly_frowning_face:
I get the same exact way.

I also understand the snow day trigger! Lots of bad times surrounding those.


Those recent days are still a success and yay you for coming right back. You can definitely do this !! :hugs:

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51 and counting
50 was a tough one had really bad urge at dinner and it seems like boredom, happiness for making 50, and a drinking crowd are my triggers. Whew! made it through but it was a close call. I’ll stay out of that combo for a while ;maybe too soon🤔


Well put Rose; I feel the same way; doing things that maybe couldn’t do if we were imbibing! :slight_smile:
Enjoy the play~!

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Thank you Donna. :blush:

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Good Morning, day 7 here. Trying to make it through the 3 day weekend. Feeling confident!


Checking in at 117.66 days sober and 17.61 days ED free.

Still white knuckling the ED, I have to put some more work into it before I screw it up. I made a food choice the past two days that made me feel ashamed of myself and it consumed my thoughts. But I didn’t use it as an excuse to behave badly.

My stbx was supposed to pick me up at 1:30 yesterday, so shortly after I texted to see if he was on the way. Nothing, so 45 minutes later I texted my mom and said I’ll just head there for a visit. Then he texts that he fell back asleep and was it still ok to come. So, two hours late we get started. We found a place that could notarize all the divorce paperwork, went out for coffee, talked a lot in a civil way (my guard remained up the whole time which was difficult), and then we watched a movie with my 14-year-old and he went home right after. My 23-year-old despises him for obvious reasons, but the younger one has had him in her life since she was really little and misses him.

I can tell now that he doesn’t want the divorce. He keeps mentioning moving away and staying together. I’m a city girl, he hates the city. He thinks a different environment will fix him, it won’t. Earlier in our split, I would have put my own wants and needs aside and followed him anywhere. I miss the idea of him, but the truth is, aside from the physical abuse, the emotional abuse was horrific. He still does it when I’m off guard.

So next week, my divorce will be final. I asked my attorney if she could file on the 23rd instead of the 22nd because I don’t like the number 22 :joy: Man I have issues lol.

I hate when people congratulate me on my divorce. Absolutely hate it. I don’t think it’s something to ever celebrate, regardless of circumstances. Yet I get a lot of congrats and it pisses me off. A simple I’m sorry holds so much more weight.


Thanks Donna. I really appreciate the words of encouragement and praise. I really needed them for some reason. And you came through. So I’m checking in and working on day 18. I really can’t believe I didn’t get trashed last night after driving the 8 hours with wifey 4 cats and 2 dogs. And 2 of the cats broke the barrier and we had to keep swatting them out of the front. And then the last 18 miles in LA traffic seem to take a whole hour itself. Thank you God I can start my first day in Santa Monica with a clear head and no headache. Again thanks for your support @anon79808082
It kind of sounds stupid after rereading this post that getting drunk is a reward for a long trip. Maybe I’m growing up after 59.7years.


Wow day 90. I still struggle most days to make all the right choices, but today is a good day.


Day 53. I talked to my bf about drinking this morning, and how harmful alcohol can be. I’m very grateful for him in a lot of ways, including that he doesn’t drink. He used to be a binge drinker but he quit totally several years ago. For me it’s so much easier not to drink when I’m not around drinking. When I was with my alcoholic ex, my own drinking was bad. However strong you are, humans are influenced by other humans. I think that’s a lot of the value of recovery communities like aa. We need to see in person that recovery is something real living people can do.


I get where you’re coming from; it’s just “old habits” die hard, we really have to push through them… I get them too when I get home from work; it’s a diet Canada dry ginger ale now, lol. I’m always sooo happy when I make it past an obstacle. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Day 43. Dusted off my rowing machine and did some rowing while my little guy was off blowing snow in tractor with hubby. Then went for a solo snowshoe behind our place. It’s like a snow globe out there today and still coming down strong :snowflake: