* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

lol, maybe how I used to look, but definitely can’t deny they’re mine!

Day 5 checking in. Thought I may have been coming down with the flu but realized its withdrawal symptoms. Still made it through the day though thankfully. Sending strength to those who need it!


Day 212. That’s 7 months right? No wonder I’ve been feeling more anxious and irritable lately
PAWS is real ha


Wow, I’m shot out bc I’m pretty sure I don’t know what you look like. You can just ignore me, if you haven’t started doing so already.

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Day 300 and checking in , should be really happy but had a really disappointing day yesterday , had my recovery thrown in my face yesterday because my wife didnt like what I said to her , so life in my house is all very awkward at the moment …but my recovery has taught me just to take it on the chin and keep moving forward…anyway 300 days …only 65 left till my 1 st birthday …have a great day in recovery guys :heart:


I see you in her! Am I the only one who see’s it Dan? Funny! You have a mini me!
She’s lovely, I hope she’s home soon! :heart:


Congratulations with your 300 days Regan! Sorry to hear about your bad day yesterday, hope it will turn out better today.

It’s good to set boundaries @anon44659383. If you need rest it’s good to get it :heart: Congratulations with your 2 weeks sober :facepunch:

Well done with your 2 weeks too @SteppingStones :tada:

Have a great holiday @residentevil!!


I think it’s the hair @SoberWalker. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Got 99 problems but drinking ain’t one! :+1::facepunch:


Welcome to the 300 club Regan. My 6 months was mared by a similar situation. Like you I just realised that I can’t control what others say or do. I didn’t let it get in the way of my sobriety.
Congratulations man.




Thankyou geo :grin::grin: , means alot and your right ,recovery comes first and these are just hurdles I need to over come

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Thankyou buts :grin::grin:

  1. One day off. Coffee. Looking where to go for my second meeting. Might try NA today. Finding out what a suitable meeting is is a bit of a puzzle but probably I’m just overcomplicating stuff and procrastinating a bit. I’ll get there. Also I started reading the big book, I feel this will be the first book I’ll finish in quite some time. Today feels like a good day. Have a good sober Friday all. Love from Amsterdam.
    @sylentwar Congrats on 300 days Regan. That’s huge. Sorry for your home troubles. At least you will not hide for them in addiction. Which is a good thing.

Day 51
Woke up feeling pretty good, energetic yet mellow. I dreamt about something very thoughtful(though I can’t remember) all I can remember is that from the moment I went to sleep through my dream zone there was a song playing in the background the entire time. I woke up humming to it. So I googled it because I thought the lyrics will be the clue as to why that song was in my subconscious.
Imagine my surprise to the first line in the song. I couldn’t help crying and I’m still crying now for no reason whatsoever. The last time I consciously heard/listened to this song was 1995/96. What’s this about.




I also started reading the Big Book but sadly I wasn’t getting anywhere fast so I got an app where it’s audio.


The delivery method really doesn’t matter Joy, it’s about the substance right? Hope the book means something to you. Have a good day friend. And dreams, well, they are what they are. Just like music and songs. They can mean so much. Feelings memories emotions. Your sobriety keeps your mind occupied as it does mine. Which is good and necccacairy where we are right now. One day at a time Joy. Hugs.


Day 347 :coffee:
Relaxed day ahead, having the day off too @Mno. If we lived closer by we could have done a cup of coffee together. Maybe we have to do anyway some day :grin:

Going to do some work in the garden, laundrey and getting my groceries. Nothing special today and if I’m not feel like I want doing it: I don’t :hugs:
This is “me” day! :tada:


I’ll bike your way some time @SoberWalker :biking_man: Meeting would be nice. :sunglasses:

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Check in!! :star_struck: :star_struck: Yay so proud of myself. :heart:
3rd time lucky getting to week one.
Never give up, doesn’t matter if you have to start again… Just make sure you do.

Meeting someone today of the Internet :see_no_evil::two_hearts:
Nervous as hell. But I also feel strong enough to not get so invested… And to stay SOBER.

Have a good day everyone xxxx