* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

You will probably read the whole thing a couple of times, I know I’m on my second read of the NA book. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


That would be a looong ride :confounded: But you allways could catch a train back home. I’m not a long distance biker myself, but bike a lot cause I don’t drive a car myself. Luckely my partner does :grin:

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@Olivia_Grace when you say meeting somebody off the internet sm do you mean for a date. In AA and NA we are cautioned against dating in the first year of our sobriety as it often causes a slip or relapse so please don’t invest too much on to it as you yourself suggested. I don’t want to rain on your parade.:+1::slightly_smiling_face:
Good luck :heart_eyes:


Day 5 sober. Still sick but I am working. I hope to navigate well in this difficult day


Ahaha I thought after I sent it, they’re going to think it’s a date. Nope no date! A friend I’ve been speaking to for ages. :slight_smile: . :heart: Thankyou for your concern though. Means alot xxx

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Hahaha I was gonna say @SoberWalker, she’s got my hair! :rofl:


This is excellent, A!!

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Day 182

We are the blue dot. There’s always a unique vibe when these things start heading in our direction. A population known for its rudeness, stepping over each other while ruthlessly clearing store shelves, all the while genuinely being concerned when asking “are you ready?”

Have a great Friday you wonderful folk!


Oh no! Stay safe over there

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Oh Joanie, so sorry you are hurting. Taking the time off is a great idea. Come back on later for support if you need to. We will be here. Sending you lots of love. :tulip:


Day 19 Let’s get after it!


Day 606, all is good :heart:


Be safe! I’ll be thinking of you!

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Love to you :heart: and well done in taking off some time of work. I hope you get some rest. And congrats on 14 days!

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Checking in sober today!


I have friends in Port St Lucie. We try visit there once a year. Prayers for you and your family and friends

Day 234. I decided to take the day off just for myself. I haven’t done that in such a long time. My husband surprised me and made me a cappuccino before he left for the office. I will have to mention I am blind as a bat without my glasses . I made my way downstairs following the delicious scent of my special coffee but mistakenly without my glasses. Bleary-eyed I reached into the pantry for some cinnamon and unknowingly poured Montreal steak seasoning on my special concoction. I only found out after taking my first sip. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: it was well worth the laugh we had over the experience, a good start to my day off. Anyway, sitting here alone I already feel the stress of this week fading. Getting up this morning and reading a bit on here I am feeling so very grateful to be included in such a special group of people who lift each other up Each day. You are all truly amazing. :tulip:


Thanks, Derek.
Hope your friends are safe as well. One of my sons lives in a mandatory evacuation zone in Daytona, and he was making plans to ride it out down here…but now it looks like that might not be advisable either. Ah, hurricane season.


Stay safe!!!

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Day 184. Getting my ultrasound done for my liver on this fine morning…3rd one. I’m curious to see the changes from last November to April to now. I named my liver giraldo, he’s been quite the trooper through all the bullshit this past year. Hoping to get a semi clean bill of health at my doctors next Wednesday so I can get moving with my trip! Have a great Friday y’all