* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Good luck to you and Giraldo!

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Good luck honey. :kissing_heart:

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Checkin in on day 4. Still dealing with withdrawal symptoms but almost out of the woods. I feel strong and confident in my sobriety this time. I’m trying to really take in how these symptoms feel this time so maybe I can remind myself not to use again so I don’t have to feel this way again. Happy sober Friday everyone, the people on here are truly an inspiration and wonderful support group :grinning:


54 days. I can sit around people drinking alco with no probs but it does bother me cuz i see when they get drunk and start talking no sense. Well that was also me 2 months ago. I am ashamed to think about how I was. but here I am. Fighter forewer​:strawberry: sober. Pushing forward. And some sparkling water with lemon, lime, ginger and cuczmber feels like heaven. :blush::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Ish, soooo proud of you! Well done on your 54 days. Wow, such a big accomplishment. :tulip::kissing_heart:


Be safe! :heart: And others who live in that area!


@Blithe_Oddity There’s a book called The Four Agreements that was used in the treatment facility I went to, one of the agreements is, simply put,“nothing others do is because of you” and respectfully, it might help the situation with this friend. Always remember to be fair to yourself


I love that book. I have a new copy on my nightstand because I gave the previous 3 copies away.

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So this is good advice then, right? For@Blithe_Oddity?

The second agreement:
Don’t Take Anything Personally.
“…because by taking things personally you set yourself up to suffer for nothing.”


Drunk people are sooooo annoying :grin:


Hey…I take that personally. :crazy_face:


What a wonderful morning :heart::hugs: and your husband is a saint…I hope you have a relaxing weekend, :rose:!

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Oh goodness Cheryl…I have been tracking the storm as well and am praying it goes off path for you guys…keep us posted please and stay safe! :heart:

Day 322. Today I am tearful and all the HALTs. Having trouble staying in the day and not letting my mind stray into future anxieties. I am looking after myself by taking the day off from work. I talked to my sponsor and going to a women’s meeting at noon and spending the day working on my 4th step fear inventory. Then my Dad is having a family birthday party tonight and hopefully I pull it together for that. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Day 34. Feeling good and calm. Feeling like I have purpose in my life. Its becoming easier to do simple things like wake up, shower, get dressed, put make up on, curl my hair and go to work. My eating has been cleaner, I’m a frequent gym goer now and now I’m about to sign up for orange theory fitness which is $159 a month but now that I’m not blowing hundreds of dollars a month on booze I can invest in my health! I used to wake up with anxiety, short of breath with no sense of direction for the rest of my day. I knew what I was supposed to do but overthinking kept me from executing. I have no desire to drink myself into despair and I’m proud of myself. I haven’t really shared with many people that I’m not drinking because I’m doing this for me and I’m pretty firm on this lifestyle choice. I’ve turned down so many drinks and no one seems to question or care and I love that. Granted, it never really appeared that I had a problem but I know I did. Anyway… off to work. Happy sobering.




Will do Emilie!
That’s the thing about hurricanes, you get warning and time to prepare, but nature is fickle.

Get back to storm proofing, missy :kissing_heart:

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41 days. Feel good…no weight loss…actually a small gain, need to get eating right now. Went from 190 to 196…sloppy food and sweet tea