* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

You have the strength within you, if you didn’t your wouldn’t have come on here and posted first. Drugs and alcohol will only weaken you and I enjoy your posts, it’s been nice to see you progress :slightly_smiling_face:


Your welcome. I can’t remember what show it is that I watched a month or so ago but it was just so messed up and wrong, I felt violated after watching it :joy::slightly_smiling_face:

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What a really healthy, positive evening, your doing so well :yellow_heart::orange_heart::heart: bet ya feel wonderful. X


Day 162. Haven’t checked in here in awhile. Been feeling like a lot of others have been-kind of out of touch and not sure what to say with all the new people coming in. Still sober, still happy. :kissing_closed_eyes:


Me too and I said to myself… Im not going to say I wil drink, I’m not going to say I wint. I always find it puts too kuch pressure on me.

I will admit it took every ounce of my strength to say no when I asked my drunk friend to get me water n she insisted I had a desperado… But i did. N I felt a bazillion times better waking up not hungover then it did to be drunk last night.
I also observed other people become more n more drunk as the night went on, and I was happy to come back to my partner and snuggle in bed. Not be emotional and wasted.

Thank you everybody xxx


11 days.

Really dealing with the justification of the addict mond today. Uninspired and wanting to chuck it all in the fuck it bucket. Bad start to the day and been stuck in the office. Finding it difficult to be productive and present.

Just gotta get through it. Tomorrow is a new day.


As annoying and cliché this saying can be it is however correct----this too shall pass.
Hang in there dude :+1:


Day 400.

Tried to run my life on my own self will and propulsion this morning for about half an hour. Guess what!? Everything went to shit :joy: remembered I had a program to follow and a design for living and quickly turned the day into a bloody good one. Tired with work holiday cant come soon enough.


Checking in Day 210…

Back from the Ocean. We had a great time, basically lived off of Thrashers and Dough Roller the entire time. I’m definitely craving a salad or Subway tonight LOL.
Plan on spending the rest of the week hanging out with kids. Bowling, Movies, Crab House and most likely Hershey Park Sunday to end the week. Vacation is for sure different Sober!! I remember every minute of it and enjoyed the long days. I woke up tired everyday but it was because I didn’t want the fun to end not because I ended it early passed out!

Hope everyone has a great day, the weekend is almost here.


Great to see you :+1::blush::purple_heart::yellow_heart::heart: keep adding those days x

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Keep strong you got this x

400 days Nick. That’s massive mate!

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Amazing work Hanna! 10 months! I’m right behind ya :heart_eyes_cat:

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Day 300. What a strange one. My travel companion for a long weekend had to cancel night 1 at the last minute due to a kid issue, so I’m back at home yet with all my things packed in my car. HP willing, we set out in earnest tomorrow morning. Someone else cancelled plans on me next week because they said they are too deep in depression to pursue new friendships at this time.

I didn’t want to cook so I went to take myself to a favourite place for dinner on my own. The AC was so high that it was an ice box and I couldn’t stay after all day in a cold office, so got the food to go. Got home to eat and, unusually for this place, the food really sucked.

At home, unexpectedly, with my things packed and feeling hungry, lonely, inconvenienced, disappointed and frustrated.

But these are all luxury problems and not something to drink over. I’m grateful to be on my 300th day of continuous sobriety, to have a comfortable and safe house, and to have people in my life with shared values, and to have options for food to eat. :bird:


300 club is open for @aircircle!
I’m 20 days behind you! :rofl::rofl:
Save me a nice seat please!:hugs:


These are problems we as humans face everyday. In the grand scheme of things they are just a glimpse in time . Congrats on your 300 days ! Always remember: “nothing is too heavy for those who have wings, @aircircle:heart::heart:


Congrats on 300!!!


Day 11, part 2.

Made amends for some stupid behavior this morning. Did some strength training this afternoon. There’s a cool breeze and it’s a beautiful evening. Going to end the day on a better note.
Will be doing some work out of my green book after dinner tonight. I’m fortunate that I get to read some books to my son tonight and tuck him in.


That’s a superb way to end any day :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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So proud of you Hanna! :heart: Congratulations!

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