* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

The little (sober) engine that could, is you!


Geesh, no wonder I kept thinking about you today! I’m really proud of you lady, you have grown so much and are really inspiring all the time. You can roll with things that don’t go according to plan and still manage to see the bright side. :heart: I hope the rest of your weekend goes much more smoothly! Hugs!


Back to day 1. Going to start checking in here every day to remind myself that I WANT to be sober. I have a bad memory and seem to otherwise forget this … thanks


Checking in for day 11 :ok_hand:


I knoooow :grin: welcome to tenners club :heart:

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Congrat hugs on those beautiful numbers! You are one lady :hugs::heart_eyes:

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  1. I’m happy to not be drinking today. An old friend messaged me a week or so ago. We catch up about once a year through Facebook. He said some odd things that I kinda just brushed off. He messaged me today saying Sorry Lea I was drunk :sweat_smile:. At first I was like-lol ok no worries. But then I was kinda annoyed. Because I really don’t think it’s possible to have any kind of “good” conversation if one or more people has been drinking. And honestly, it felt a little like a waste of my time. It wasn’t a long conversation, but had I known he was drinking I’m sure I would have avoided it altogether. The only good it did was remind me of a book him and some of our other friends were reading around the time we all lived together-Rich Dad Poor Dad. Now I’m listening to it on audio and I have the authors second book in hand as well. So I guess it’s not for nothing, but I never thought of drunken conversation for what it really was before…even a little tipsy conversation feels inauthentic.

One of my friends from work just left her fiance. She asked me what I was doing tonight and mentioned she was going to the bar. And even though I truly enjoy my conversations with her…I don’t see any good coming for either of us from a drunken conversation about how much of a loser he is.

Makes me wonder how many conversations like that I put others through. I’ve been having cringe moments all day I guess.


Thanks @MandiH beautiful soul ,:kissing_heart:

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Just checking in on 254 to say that whether we have one day or ten thousand, in my opinion, we are all pretty amazing for showing up here daily. I have such respect for everyone who comes here to learn, to share what they’ve learned, to talk about how they feel, to tell our stories, to support others in need, or to just shoot the breeze with sober people they like. Big hearts go out to @aircircle , @nick_1985 and @Fireweed today for those incredible milestones. I just love following all three of your journeys.

And I just have to say, in my time here, @TeejLazer ‘s tag line, “Have a Strong Day!,” has always been my absolute favorite thing to read. Never gets old to me, man. It perfectly captures the kind of day I want to have every single day.


Exactly @ChicagoT. You too ,:slight_smile: thank you man and congrats on 254!!! :sunglasses::hugs:


Checking in day 18. Looking forward to go to work :grin: I like my working place, it’s really good!


Day 10. At the gym. Feeling good. Let’s hope it stays this way :crossed_fingers:


30 days and still sober.


320 days sober. Tomorrow is the BIG day, the world’s population will be +1.

If you could ask your higher power to ask my higher power to give us strength tomorrow, that would be great. I’m a tad nervous… ok, cards on the table, I’m down right scared. I am praying everything goes fine tomorrow. :pensive:

Time to get some sleep, gonna be a long day.


I will keep my fingers crossed and wish you all the best!



Morning everyone- busy day today

Just done 6am Circuit class at the gym!

Now got a full day at work then back to look after my princesses for the evening



Keep the faith and god bless man. Tomorrow will be a special Dan! Your family will be in my prayers tonight.

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@SoberWalker nice to know you had been in Fatima!!! That’s inspire me. Knowing that one of the sober family had been in the same spot.
Day 5 sober. Today we have a long day of walking. Time to think and pray for all of you :heart::blue_heart::green_heart::pray:t4:


Reading TS and having a Coffee i just had a visitor coming by. I had opened the door to the garden to get some fresh air and see who came in:
