* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

300 days of awesomeness you are an inspiration to me in your ability to adapt and always see the positive. Stay wonderful missy. :kissing_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart:


Day 63. Coffee at camp site. First night of festival was very nice. Liked Electronic Guzzi best, sort of Kraftwerk meets Underworld in 2019. Was great to experience it all sober. They also have some great juices here. Ginger my favourite so far. Idles playing tonight, let’s bring it on! Have a great sober Friday all.


All the best to you and your wife Dan. Will be thinking of you!


All the very best :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::pray::pray::blue_heart::heart:

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@Dejavu Dan I will be thinking of you and your wife. Sending you all the strength. Arriving of a new baby makes me feel so happy :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Checking in on day 40 :blush:
Last day at work then 2 weeks holidays. I can’t wait to get out of here😎


Day 8/9 so I’m gunn atwp it back to 8 to stop confusing myself hehe.

Raining for the first time in ages and I’m greatful. Maybe it’ll wash away my sins!! :slight_smile:

Have a lovely day everyone. Sending love


Look at you with 40 days :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: so cool, what a lovely way to start your holiday x


Congratulations Ariel!! :tada:

And I don’t have to forget @nick_1985 and @Fireweed!! Congratulations with your milestones! Cherish them, you earned them!! :heart:


Day 326 :coffee:
Have to get my lazy bud out of the couch! :slight_smile:
Enjoying my sober morning too much, have to go to the gym! Working tonight and tomorrow. Husband was drinking yesterday evening and the smell of it was awefull. It surprises me because early in my recouvery it gave me cravings.

And now I’m off to the torture room! :muscle: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Thanks darling :heart_eyes::hugs::kissing_closed_eyes:

Strength & serenity to both of you. It is always a miracle no matter how many kids youve had before :heart_eyes::+1: stay cool dad ,:sunglasses::heavy_heart_exclamation:

  1. Wow. Didn’t think I could make it this far cold turkey. Here’s to 120 more.

Congratulations @aircircle Ariel :confetti_ball::tada: 300 days is awesome


Checking in.
Day: 61.

“Do not give your past the power to define your future.”

It’s going to be a tough day today.

My ex, father of son who abandoned us 4 years ago, after 10 years together for a whole new family, and MAJOR trigger, is coming up today to see our son (its been a year since he’s made an effort).

In the past this would have sent me straight to the liquor store. He does not have that power over me now. I will get through this with a smile on my face.

I have never put him down or spoken ill of him to our son, who still holds him on a pedestal even though he makes no effort to see him or even talk to him.

I have been the one to dry my son’s tears when his father has made false promises and disappoints him. I have picked him up and reassured him he is loved and valued beyond words.

sigh It has been a long, arduous journey but I am here today, still standing, sober and proud of my trials because they have made me stronger and wiser.

I just have to remember: “Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be.”


I’ll be sending all the good thoughts, prayers and love to you all until I hear all went well! :heart: Good luck!


Hugs lady, I absolutely love your attitude and your strength!!! And congrats on your 60 days!!! You’ve got this today. Xoxo


Fingers crossed for the 3 of you Dan!! A baby is a great gift, but hard work! I will light my magic candle for you all :heart:


I agree, and often feel the same way. I don’t mind dealing with drunk people (although I’d really rather not), but getting roped into conversations that you know don’t have much value at the end of the day can be annoying.
The approach I take in this scenario is to just not invest as much energy into the conversation. If they’re drunk, chances are they’ll love doing most of the talking, and I just let 'em run with it.

What you wrote also made me realize something I don’t like, when he apologized for what he sent you because he was drunk. I can’t stand when being drunk is used as an excuse. “Sober you” made the choice to get drunk, which means you’re responsible for “drunk you” and whatever actions you take. Thats part of the deal. Maybe it’s judgemental of me, I don’t know.

Anyhow…just my 2 cents. Glad to read your post, Lea – you just keep on growing! :blush:


Thank you @MandiH for the support.

hugs back Hope you have a great day. :heart:

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Dan!!! I’m gonna be praying for you and Tina and baby bigly today! :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts: