* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

You are strong and resilient! What an amazing inspiration!! Stand tall, you deserve to feel proud of yourself and your parenting and your sobriety :bird:

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Thank you so much @aircircle

hugs Hope you have a great day! :heart:

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Hey. Checking in day 33.feeling anxiety kicking me today. I also woke up with a flash backs and feeling really akward. My minds arent good. I feel like I have been drinking last night and I did not!!!I dont know how to explain. Its just strange… Like a control taking from me while beeing sober?!?. Does this sound strange? I really dont have the words how to describe it. Feeling lonely and sad. Even when i write this I feel like Ive been drinking while I did not and im so prou at myself. Does anyone can relate what im saying here??? Or am I really mad? :thinking::pensive:


Yesterday was 365. I almost forgot it was my soberverssary. But today I woke up, checked the app and saw 366 and Im beaming. I feel comfortable now in my new life, heart, body and mind. I feel like today is the first day of the rest of the life I want and was meant to live. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Great news!! Congratulations on your hard work and first year!!


That is SO wonderful!!! Congratulations on your first sober year! What’s your favorite change so far?

Checking in on Day 16.76. Ready for the weekend!

Have a strong day!!!


Hello @Ish
I will occasionally catch myself in a thought pattern, or maybe even stub my toe or something, and the first thought that pops into my head is “Geez, I gotta quit drinking.”
I haven’t had a drink in 5+ months, but sometimes apparently my brain thinks I am.
Go figure.


@sprinkles yes just like that. My body is sober but my brain thinks im not. :pensive::cry::cry::cry:


Congratulations @jms.
Sober for 1 year!

Congratulations @aircircle.
Sober for 300 days!

Congratulations @nick_1985
Sober for 400 days!

Congratulations @Fireweed
Sober for 10 months!

Congratulations @Dejavu
you’re having a baby!


@Ish in my first several months, I would often have that feeling. I would describe it as an emotional hangover. I felt tired, unfocused, distracted and foggy. It’s ok, you are doing great! Keep it up!! :two_hearts:


Day 5 here. Waking up super sleepy but I’ll be good after coffee. Have a Great day all!! some really big numbers on here it’s very encouraging! Good job everyone :grinning:


I was going to recommend this the other day. What better way to feel alive than to check some bimbo face first into the boards?


Checking in. Day 143. Sigh.
I’m not feeling positive right now.

Depressed about my work life balance. Working 70 hours a week and still can’t pay all the bills.

Can’t sex away my bad feelings anymore. The fantasies are fading away in my life because I know better. They’re just fantasies that will never come true and its been clicking in me. And it sucks.

Used sex as a God, a cure all, hoping that I would discover that the world is one big orgy, and it’s not!

Not really content with my life right now. Dont like my bank job and I want to find something new. I’m just too chicken to look.

My phone locks have a 1 minute period where I disable them to add any apps or make changes to the settings. Usually, I just let them automatically renew. Have not touched them in over a month. But last night, I disabled them to try to get voice dictation working again. Unsuccessful, but was so down about my life that I contemplated watching some documentaries in YouTube.

boundary violation

Okay, bad idea, so I thought I would put my locks back on in the morning just in case I missed some important updates that I need to take care of.

another boundary violation

The locks were reapplied last night 15 minutes after I disabled them.

My addiction is cunning, baffling, powerful.
Glad I stayed sober. But it still sucks.

So I’m faced with 3 choices.

  1. Delve back into my addiction, the only world that I feel comfortable in, and feel good for a temporary moment until my life comes crashing down on me.

  2. Do nothing different watching myself live a sad existence with little happiness until I die.

  3. Make some major changes in my life with the hopes of being more content in my situation. That would include getting a different job.

Nuff said. Thank you, everyone.


We require baby updates!


Update #1: the hospital denied us our right to sleep in and want us to check in at 7am. We are not morning people and still slept in a little, we’ll blame it on traffic.


Take it slowly. You seem to need a big change but do not hurry although it feels crappy right now. And remember, frustration, not feeling comfortable etc are a part of recovering. Start with one thing that needs a change… job searching is stressful job itself, but start with imagining what you wanna do next. If you know that already, then next step, and then next and…


Oh no, so theres waiting to be done. Hopefully not very long time. ,:hugs:

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Wecome here @anon64158547
Have a great weekend
No hangovers yeeah :wink: