* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Day 7! Im on hydrocodone since the accident but still excited. I think the last time I went a week was when I had the flu years ago. This will also be my first weekend sober in years. Probably have some visits this weekend that will be spent on the recliner with Dr. Pepper. :joy:


Thanks pal. The days just rack up now. First year I was forever looking at the counter now the only time I look at it is to post in here. Just everyday life now. Although I’m about to quit vaping so might have to add a sub category so I can counter watch again :joy:


Ah thank you, see your days racking up now :pray: amazing work brother

Thank you :pray::heart:

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Checking in on day 51, proud of myself to have 50 days clean, and 3 swabs in a row at my clinic were negative, it’s amazing how differently your treated once your sober. Got 2 more interviews today and next week I have to make a HUGE decision on which job to take, not complaining because for some people getting even an interview is tough, so having 5 or 6 positions to chose from is humbling to say the least. Ive worked very hard the past 7 or 8 years in the field I’m in, and it’s certainly been rewarding. This job though, being clean and all, I’ll be able to save so much more money, do way more things I enjoy doing like traveling and golfing, I’m beyond excited to see how much money I’ll have without blowing 3-400 on drugs per week.



A Very big and heartfelt congratulations on another milestone…all the best to you Hannabanananana in your new endeavor…:+1:t2::+1:t2:


I agree completely with this. I had a conversation with an old friend last night that lasted about 3 hours. She doesn’t drink, hasn’t in years, so we were both sober and it was a really good talk. We uncovered so many memories and many of them were tragic. Old friends who’s lives were besieged by tragedy and heartbreak due to alcohol and drugs. At that time (1980’s), it all seemed so normal but now I see there was nothing normal about it at all. I’m glad to have reached where I am today yet theres still a sadness knowing it was all such a waste of time…but hey everyone was doing it and nobody wanted to be an outcast…What a shame.


Checking in again.

Saw my ex, and he brought his daughter from the woman he cheated with and abandoned us for, into my home.

I was sweet and social and they didnt stay long. They are having a beach day at our town beach.

Feeling nostalgic and emotional.

I will get through today without drinking and look back on this day with pride.

Thank you for listening all.

Sending my love :heart:


Hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs: stay strong x

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Thank you so much @Frantasticooo

My feelings are all over the place right now.

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Thanks sir rattlesnake of arizona :hugs:

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I can only imagine hunny, stay sober and proud. :hugs::kissing_heart:

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Allllll the hugs!!! Proud of you!!! I’m glad you were able to put your resentments aside for your boy and let him have the time he likely really needed. :heart: You are a rockstar!! I’m sure it’s a bit of a rollercoaster, I have all the feels with you. :heartbeat:


Thank you so much @MandiH.

I have learned to deal with my resentment towards my ex over the years for the sake of our son.
My feelings are like a rollercoaster today but if I can just get through today without a drink, I can get through anything.
I am determined to succeed for once and for all.


Thank you @Keiti.

Everyone’s support means so much to me. I am grateful and humbled.


You can do it!!! One minute or hour at a time as you need to. I totally understand! But don’t let the past have power over your now. Feel it as it comes, acknowledge it and try to release it while it’s here giving you the opportunity to. Much healthier alternative to heal old wounds instead of trying to drown it out. Being uncomfortable is where we grow best! It sucks but YOU are worth allllll that your new sober life has to offer and it will continue to thank you as time goes on! :heart:


You are doing AMAZING Kairi with everything life is throwing at you! I love that you can still smile and look for the positives! :heart:

  1. Feeling good :slight_smile: I have a day off today and woke up with good thoughts and brimming with positivity. I just sent my notice of resignation to my work which feels pretty liberating! Sadly I can’t take my foot off the gas yet as I have to give a months notice and still want to leave with a good reference. I finish on September 5th and can’t wait!

Day 19. Angry with myself because I was eating like a pig yesterday&today. But, other than that… pretty much ok.
Been having some weird headaches (I think they are normal too :-))
Wish a great beginning of a sober weekend to all of you, guys.


Never give up.

Frustration and Stress are part of “Normal” life. Our additional thinking makes things sometimes bigger than they are. It’s the old trap what leads us to the point, that life is so hard and bad, we can’t bear it, we NEED the DOC, right now.
But we can bear it. It’s possible. You don’t need the DOC.
Maybe go out for a walk without mobile, make a list of your wishes and dreams and think about what could be. What kind of job. And how you could get it.