* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Thanks @Joyce19. I needed that. Thanks for the words of encouragement.

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Checking in from a proper bed instead of a camping mat and feeling hopeful for a decent night’s sleep :sleeping: This has been my second camping experience sober and while I’m not the kind of person who is bothered about most creature comforts, it turns out I don’t naturally sleep well in a tent!

Having a great time regardless, visited a cheese factory in Wensleydale and went to to Skipton Castle today before checking in to our b&b and watching some telly with some dinner followed by ice cream. Sober holidays are the best!


Checking in for day Lucky number 13. Not only did I decide to quit drinking, I also went whole food plant based dieting and I feel physically amazing. Not only am I doing this to take control of my emotional health but to tackle alot of physical conditions I’ve created with that poison. I feel physically great, more motivated to work out and work harder at work. My depression is fading in the rare view mirror. I’m feeling optimistic.


Day 25.

Been a long work week. I still know how to be an ass even Sober!Growing up in public isn’t always fun.GRATEFUL I didn’t make a bad situation worse.TGIF HOPE EVERYONE HAS A GREAT SOBER WEEKEND :v:


70 hours a week sounds rough! Why do you think you’re scared to look for something new?

Sorry to hear you’re not feeling great right now. But it’s pretty awesome that you’re recognising those boundary violations and being honest about them here.

Is it possible that there are more options than the three you outline, but your current mood is influencing your thought process and making them all seem like bad options?

E.g. option 2 you could also look at as: leave it a few weeks and see how you feel once some time has gone past. A different day might bring a different perspective and a new approach. Or option 3 could be look to see what jobs are out there and whether there is anything you could do that would give you some more balance.

Option 1 is the only one you have experience of, you know where that choice leads! The others though are unknown… Don’t dismiss the possibility that they could be good options!


Not making a bad situation worse sounds like a win to me :raised_hands:

Amazing. It’s so good that you are taking some time to just be where you need to be!

Thanks @siand :slight_smile: I’m very fortunate to be in a position where I can. Dont get me wrong, I’ve worked bloody hard the last few years even while in active addiction but this year has been so full on and with a lot going on in September, it’s an opportune time to take a break especially with my year within it. :slight_smile: How have you been? Have you been cooking much recently? You’ve tried a few of my tips before haven’t you? :slight_smile:

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Thank you @siand. Thank you. :sparkling_heart:

Option 3 is the best option for me. I’ve been procrastinating. If I can’t find something that can cover the bills, I should at least find something that I enjoy. Or perhaps both. My second job is the balloon twisting gigs. Been a busy summer and the demand is not declining. But I love that, a lot. So I’m not giving that up.

Maybe someday, I’ll be able to balloon twist full time. It’s been known to happen. But my day job? I’ve got to do something about that. 45 minute commute each way, for 6 days a week and lucky to get more than 37 hours in a week. I’m grateful that I have a job, but I really shouldn’t be settling.

I’m feeling better even as I write this.


Checking in.

Been a minute, contemplated and actually did leave the app for a day. Deleted the app and moved on. But I forgot about something important in recovery and my HP had different plans for myself. Sitting in my meeting listening the topic was being of service to the community. Something very big in the rooms. While personally for me there is a lot of negative things associated with this app for me, overall I care more about helping a newcomer out, or a struggling addict bc it greatly helps myself. Pushing past the annoyances I see everytime I come on this app I have to look at the bigger picture. I did get involved in this community on TS, while NA is my recovery home. TS is still apart of my recovery. This place helped me in my beginning and that wasn’t easy with what I have associated here. But none the less this community was here for me and a member on here reminded me of that when he messaged me just a simple “how are you doing”? Kicking heroin is a bitch, especially kicking it without MATs so I know the struggle of the first 3-4 days and the selfishness it takes on your part to make it through that time. So his simple message caught me off guard and ment more than the gentlemen will ever know, it was a beautiful reminder of what it’s like actually making it through the early stages of detox and those first honest clarity moments after the fucking hell reminding me of my detox. Thank you @kiazz24. Recovery is bigger than me, recovery is bigger than emotions that are insignificant, recovery is life or death. I will save my ass over saving my face and no matter what I think of certain people, the annoyance of certain things or the frustrations I have. This community helped me out and I’m grateful for that and being of service is what matters in recovery and I will be of service to my fellow addict in and out of the rooms!
Today I’m grateful and blessed to be able to be of service in and out of the rooms of NA to my fellow addict :heart:


Day 125.

Me reading talking sober:

Me reading the news:

It’s completely opposite how I come away feeling. What a crazy world out there.


It’s why I don’t watch the news Steve.:grinning:


Day 39. Committed to not drinking today/tonight! Will go to bed sober and will feel good about it; and even better waking up tomorrow to day 40! Sober life = my best life :blush::raised_hands::fireworks:


Sportscenter count as the news? Bc if so I watch the news daily then lol


Sports is different. I can watch the cricket or rugby.

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It’s in the newspaper in its own section. Lol I consider it news when people ask if I watch the news :joy:

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Omg Mel FUCK YES!!! Go kick some ass on the ice!!!
I just picked up my equipment from storage. Next week I’m stepping back out there.

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Did someone join the 300 club today?



Checking in day 5. Heading to spend time with family tomorrow, I’ve had to reset timer last 2 visits. I’m going in strong this time, will be checking in nightly.


Thanks brother :pray:

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