* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Good morning to you all! Day 19.


Day 327 :coffee:
Doing well lately. Focus on living and eating healthy. No cravings so no need for a freezer filled with chocolat to cope with them (yes I put my chocolat in the freezer, otherwhile I eat them all at once :astonished:).
Allmost 2 kilo down in size, 2 to go! :facepunch:


@SoberWalker nice one. Now loosing weight. That’s the way to go! And good strategy of keeping chocolate in the freezer😂
@goBlue24 Daniel i love that you stay on TS. The community needs you. and I hope you can also gain something out of it. If it keeps you sober just for today I will have done its job :sweat_smile:
@Joyce19 look at you. Building up your numbers again. Great job :ok_hand:


Checking in on day 41. You all have a great sober Saturday :grin:


Oooohhh, I’m too curious :blush: Is there a baby in da house @Dejavu?? :heart:
Or am I rambling too soon…(those timezones, I never get them)
Thinking of you buddy!


Thank you Julia :heart:. I need this community as well. It’s hard at times but it’s what I need. I don’t want it easy bc when it’s easy for me I stop growing. I become content, complacent and I loose my edge. At least for now I will continue to listen to my HP and whatever he asks of me I will do. When I let myself make my decisions all bad happens and like this week leaving TS would have been all bad.


Checking in.
Day: 62.

I did it!!! I remained sober after seeing my ex and his family for the first time in 4 years!!!

My emotions are still a little raw but otherwise I’m okay. I am thankful to not also be feeling guilt/shame/anxiety about drinking yesterday.

My son and I ended up going go carting with my parents after he visited with his Dad. I am so glad we did. It was a great distraction and seeing Ethan’s joy was priceless.

A special thank you to @MandiH, @Keiti and @Frantasticooo. Your encouragement and kind responses were just what I needed yesterday. Hugs

Thank you to everyone else as well. Your support has made all the difference.

Sending hugs and strength to those who need it today! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Day 64. Third and last festival day. Yesterday Barns Courtney and Idles both gave some memorable performances. My being here sober and happy is memorable for myself, as it’s the first of many I hope! Have a great sober day all. Love from Haldern.


Not yet @SoberWalker. We’ve been at the hospital for 16 hours now. It’s 12:09 AM now, and still working on it. :neutral_face:


So proud you did amazing :star_struck::heart_eyes: go carting sounds super fun and much healthier than drinking. Xx

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Glad your sticking around Daniel o love sharing this journey with you :blue_heart:


Yea not watching the news is a good way to go. I pay for an online service and read the articles I am interested in but try and avoid TV/radio news cos it just makes me feel frustrated and helpless. As there is nothing I can do about the things that I don’t like, easier to just not pay attention to it and focus on the things in my life I can do something about.

Give me the serenity…


This is exactly it. It’s the frustration that I can’t do anything. And the sadness at how humanity treats each other.
It’s hard enough just dealing with my own life sometimes.:grinning:


I have done the same thing last year. Luckily, I too was in a position to do it, and it helped me a lot.
Don’t get me wrong: I loved my job, but my drinking was getting waaaay out of control and the situation at work (the lack of organisation, the students’ protests etc.) was frustrating (a few of us didn’t have any problems, but the university was falling to pieces - unfortunately, it didn’t change for the better during this last year, as I hear from my ex students and read in the papers).
Anyway - sorry for the digression - the point is (although I did have a relapse a couple of months ago) the fact that I quit my job helped me enormously in focusing on getting sober.
I’m very glad for you.

Helping people here is helping yourself Daniel. You sure as hell helped me. Thank you for that friend. In your debt.
And plz don’t just leave like that; it’s the one thing I hate the most about apps like this, folks leaving without a trace. I’d have thought you’d relapsed

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Tom and I were talking about this the other day. If you actually just sit in the street and watch people, you see that people are basically good. People hold doors for each other, hold hands, laugh together. They give change or food or a smile to the homeless. If someone falls over, drops something, is visibly in distress, people stop and help. You only see the extremes on the news and they prey on anxiety and despair to get ratings/sell papers.


My favorite change is mental clarity and finally being able to get my depression and anxiety under control.


Day 9 checkin in. Last night was hard and a struggle. I was emotional like when I’d been drinking and i didnt know why. My brain was self hating.
Im remembered what @anon13078412 had said about HALT…and i realised I was 3 of them.
So I ate, cuddled with kids nd layed on sofa watching film.
I didn’t cave and im reaping the rewards of sober morning.

Love :heart:


Thank you Fran :heart:. Moment of weakness and forgetting the bigger picture.

There are some acupuncture points you could press? One between the thumb and forefinger. Other one in the inner side of ancle. About an inch from the joint. Should be pressed quite hard and does not feel nice at all. Maybe give it a try… @Dejavu :+1::hugs::kissing_smiling_eyes::slight_smile:

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