* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Your absolutely right Menno. I let emotions cloud that. I haven’t been sleeping well the last week maybe more and I’ve been extremely busy not letting my schedule compensate for the lack of sleep. All excuses, all opportunities to work even harder on acceptance, patience and understanding. It’s been a major change for me to not be confrontational, to not be aggressive and state my opinion like it matters and nothing else does. I appreciate your honesty, I know what the perception would have been and that means a lot to read that. You have helped me be better too Menno. That’s what my moment of frustration almost cost me. We help each other and we all grow together working a healthy recovery. I let that slip for the day but I’m grateful for my HP slapping me across the face when I wasn’t even looking lol. Being clean and in recovery I’m grateful to be able to listen and actually take in those unexpected messages and moments to help guide me in the right direction when I used to let my emotions and feelings lead me astray…


Owww…:pensive: That’s hard. I just lighted a candle for you all. You’re both in my thoughts :heart: Hope you can soon hold him or her…


Well done lady!! :facepunch:


I have those almost hourly.


Checking in for day 12 :triumph:


Being fortunate doesn’t mean being undeserving :blush: Lots of people have the means to take a break but not the clarity of mind to see it! Personally I think it’s more important to value time and head space over money, if we are in the position to do so. I work four days a week for that reason!

Do you have anything in particular planned or just see what unfolds?

And yes I have certainly benefited from some of your tips. Favourite so far has been focaccia pizza :grin:

34 days sober.


Cm’s dilated??

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Only 2 CM :pensive:

Been like that for 8 hours now.


Ahhh hugs, bet everybody is shattered. Hope baby gets a move on soon. :crossed_fingers:

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Gonna be a long night! Are the kids staying or have they home?

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Baby is a thinker, doesnt want to hesitate. Wise very wise… Hang in there dude :muscle:

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Day 11. The weekend has officially started.


Day 6 Sober. Walking with my friends towards Fatima. I feel like a little child. I need to grow a lot


Day 518.

Last night I went out to visit my brother, which was long overdue but I’m so glad we were able to catch up finally! It’s been about a month. His ex came over to drop off my nephew and we caught up too, she got a beer out of his fridge and I could literally watch her change as she continued to drink and talk. I just thought oh man, I do NOT miss that!

When I got home, my nephew had several friends over in the driveway and I like all of that group a LOT actually but there was a new guy. I got out of the car, said hello to everyone and started giving some loves to his best friends dog as I LOVE that dog, and I hear ooh Tom who is that?!? My nephew laughs the new guy off. Then he comes wayyyy to close to me, slurring his words asking now who are you, his younger sister? I laughed and said yup, yup that’s me (she’s 10 years younger than I am) and my nephew joked that’s right, she’s 17 so back off. We all giggled but his buddies were bummed that I grabbed my stuff from the car and dodged the hell outta there immediately but I said nope, thanks guys but I know my cue. I would have liked to hang out with the rest of them but didn’t want to deal with the new tanked guy.

All the events of the evening made me SO grateful I’m sober!! I really have changed a lot as a person and it shows when I’m around people I haven’t seen in a long time like my brothers ex. I so remember being high strung, stressed all the time, bothered by everything everyone does or doesn’t do, basically hating life like she is right now. There really is a totally different way to live and I’m beyond thankful I’ve discovered that! :heart:

Been thinking of you guys tons @Dejavu!! First thing I did when I got on was find your latest update. All good things take time and babies CERTAINLY operate on their own time. Hugs to you all, hope you get some rest while you wait. :heartbeat:


Hang in there. Sending lots of strength to you and your wife


That’s all very true :slight_smile: Good reminder, thankyou :slight_smile: I did consider my next job just being 4 days a week but it wont be possible unless I find a restaurant that’s only open 4 days a week. But then that’ll change the pay and I still want to earn a certain amount so… I dont know we’ll see how we to. So…to answer your question about plan lol Yeah there are a few hotels and restaurants in the place I’m moving to which are taking on so I’ll just see what happens.

I’m glad you like the pizza focaccia - are you looking to try anything else?

goBlue24, your positivity and willingness to talk to me while I was deep in withdrawal helped me more than you know. I had given up. I saw no light at the end of my tunnel and everything and I mean everything was dark. For some reason I chose to keep looking at this app(which I barely ever do) and there you were. Right now I’m on day 6 . It’s weird but I feel like we spent the first 3 days together. I want you to know man that I truly appreciate the time you took to help me push thru those first couple days. We live on opposite sides of the country and never said a word to eachother before you saw my post…its truly amazing how you can genuinely care for someone you dont know…dont ever change man.


Day 8, still in pain from accident but feeling ready to take on my consequences and move forward with positivity.


Day 162
My shoulder dislocated in my sleep again last night. Such a rude, and painful, awakening.

Been noticing shifts in my outlook this past week. Not huge but perceptible to me, nonetheless.

Feliz fin de semana!
(Showing off my Duolingo skills there)