* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Awesome @anon35096624 ,I’m just about to be on Day 40! Feeling really happy and proud about it too - love how much joy there is in sobriety! : ) I’m putting as much as I can into sobriety and recovery now, as I grow and evolve into the new sober and happy me. Seems like you care too! Feels great hey!


Oh no this sound indeed painful. Poor you @sprinkles.
Hey you. Tu falas português? :blush:

Forgot to upload this mornings! Big 80 tomorrow :grinning:


Hey @emc2018 you are my sober twin. That’s great. Nice to hear you are feeling good. Yes life is great being sober. Hugs to you🤗


Portuguese would also be handy to learn. There are a lot of Brazilians and Brazilian businesses where I live!

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The only time in sobriety that I’ve gone to a bar was in Florida four years ago. My father was remarrying a year after Mom passed on. It was a happy time, 4 of my 5 brothers were there. They wanted to go to the sports bar to watch a football game. Double boring for me, neither of those is my scene. But I went along, taking my own vehicle. Before half time of the game I was getting antsy and bored, so I left to go a favorite coffee shop for about an hour. When I came back, my youngest brother was a few beers in. And he was shouting obscenities at the television and waiting for people around him to laugh. So out of character for him, and exactly how I used to behave.

I was shocked to be confronted by this sudden change and sharp reminder. I felt shame and guilt, some of it a sympathetic vibration for my brother and some of it popping up from my subconscious, energized by some old muscle memory of places and situations just like that bar.

I’m grateful today that I am aware of my worth and self esteem, and for knowing I am connected to the Divine source of that energy.


Yep sober twins for sure! :blush: how are you feeling at this stage of your journey?
I’ve had a few thoughts and things I’ve had to work through the past few days - re alcohol and my AUD (Alcohol Use Disorder) brain trying to make reasons/ justifications to have it. But thankfully I recognize it for what it truly is now, and choose to believe in myself and love myself enough to stay sober :blush::pray: wish you all the best as we journey our days together :ok_hand:

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Journey together is beautiful @emc2018. I hope we can do the best out of it. I’m feeling better than ever. Every single day I feel stronger. But I know the sneaky brain and I’m very cautious about every thing. Because in a second I could destroy what I have right now. I wish you well and looking forward to your companionship

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Good morning :sun_with_face: checking in on day 6 and feeling pretty good. Have a wonderful, Happy, healthy Saturday all :grin:


14 months (plus a day)…wild! See you soon, 15.

Had a drinking dream last night. I NEVER get those! It was so realistic. I distinctly remember the feeling of my heart sinking in my dream when I realized I had drank and I’d have to come on here and fess up. Thankful that it was but a dream.
Thanks to everyone here for your advice, support, and friendship.


Checking in Day 214. I just can’t understand why some people in my life have literally shunned me because I no longer drink. I have gone out of my way to minimize the issue when I am with them. I have not tried to change anyone else’s behavior. I feel so hurt and disappointed. I feel rejected. I am just trying to find a way to get rid of this hurt I feel. It’s heavy on my heart. Anyway, I know I will be okay. I cherish every single day that I am sober. Wishing you all love and strength today facing your own challenges. :tulip:


They went home. We knew this might take a while. I think the plan now is we’re gonna try to get more rest then reassess in a couple of hours.


People are faced with their own problem when you stand up inside of yourself and choose to make a conscious effort to battle your demons. What didn’t seem like a problem to them is probably starting to feel like one now that one of their drinking partners are displaying actions of positive change. Keep on keeping on. I face the same behavior from “friends” but most are supportive.


Thank you for your kind words of wisdom. I think you are right. I am just trying to focus on all of the other people in my life who have been truly supportive. I’m sure in time the hurt will ease. :cherry_blossom:

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Day 164. Tired. Spent 9 hours driving to and from Long Island yesterday to get my boyfriend’s car from our tuner only for it to die on a major highway an hour away from home. I was in my car following close behind but couldn’t pull over to the side in time. His fuel pump went :expressionless:. Was parked in a very dangerous spot on the side and I couldn’t get back to him. Called the cops and aaa to go there…le sigh cars are such an expensive hobby. If it’s not one thing it’s another…all I care is that he got home safe and a car can be fixed, a human life can not be replaced. Tired this morning mentally and physically and feeling for him. He just wants this car he’s poured his heart and soul into over the past 11 years to run how it should. I digress… Headed to the beach, I hope you all have a wonderful sober Saturday :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Checking in Day 12,783 has arrived!!

If I can achieve this goal each and everyone of you can as well!!


There are not enough adjectives for how awesome that is!!


Wow James @Chance ! Im so happy for your big numbers man. Youre a great example of how it is possible for any of us. Day by day ,:slight_smile::facepunch::muscle:


That’s amazing.

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Nice one James :hugs: what an achievement!!

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